Octave symbolic packag无法导入SymPy

时间:2018-04-22 20:33:24

标签: octave


>> pkg load symbolic
>> syms x y
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
ImportError: No module named sympy
OctSymPy v2.6.0: this is free software without warranty, see source.
Initializing communication with SymPy using a popen2() pipe.
error: Python cannot import SymPy: have you installed SymPy?
error: called from
    assert_have_python_and_sympy at line 37 column 5
    python_ipc_popen2 at line 78 column 5
    python_ipc_driver at line 59 column 13
    python_cmd at line 164 column 9
    valid_sym_assumptions at line 38 column 10
    assumptions at line 82 column 7
    syms at line 97 column 13


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