我想将文本部分CONTROLS放在右边而不是刚刚列出,我是一个新手,我使用的是发布Java游戏代码的网站的源代码。 Y坐标存在,但我似乎无法找到X坐标,这将帮助我定位文本部分。这是我的侧面板类的代码:
* The number of rows and columns in the preview window. Set to
* 5 because we can show any piece with some sort of padding.
private static final int TILE_COUNT = 5;
* The center x of the next piece preview box.
private static final int SQUARE_CENTER_X = 130;
* The center y of the next piece preview box.
private static final int SQUARE_CENTER_Y = 65;
* The size of the next piece preview box.
private static final int SQUARE_SIZE = (TILE_SIZE * TILE_COUNT >> 1);
* The number of pixels used on a small insets (generally used for categories).
private static final int SMALL_INSET = 20;
* The number of pixels used on a large insets.
private static final int LARGE_INSET = 30;
* The y coordinate of the stats category.
private static final int STATS_INSET = 100;
* The y coordinate of the controls category.
private static final int CONTROLS_INSET = 175;
* The number of pixels to offset between each string.
private static final int TEXT_STRIDE = 25;
* The small font.
private static final Font SMALL_FONT = new Font("Arial", Font.BOLD, 11);
* The large font.
private static final Font LARGE_FONT = new Font("Arial", Font.BOLD, 13);
* The color to draw the text and preview box in.
private static final Color DRAW_COLOR = new Color(128, 192, 128);
* The Tetris instance.
private Tetris tetris;
* Creates a new SidePanel and sets it's display properties.
* @param tetris The Tetris instance to use.
public SidePanel(Tetris tetris) {
this.tetris = tetris;
setPreferredSize(new Dimension(200, BoardPanel.PANEL_HEIGHT));
public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
//Set the color for drawing.
* This variable stores the current y coordinate of the string.
* This way we can re-order, add, or remove new strings if necessary
* without needing to change the other strings.
int offset;
* Draw the "Stats" category.
g.drawString("Stats", SMALL_INSET, offset = STATS_INSET);
g.drawString("Level: " + tetris.getLevel(), LARGE_INSET, offset += TEXT_STRIDE);
g.drawString("Score: " + tetris.getScore(), LARGE_INSET, offset += TEXT_STRIDE);
* Draw the "Controls" category.
g.drawString("Controls", SMALL_INSET, offset = CONTROLS_INSET);
g.drawString(" Left- Move Left", LARGE_INSET, offset += TEXT_STRIDE);
g.drawString("Right - Move Right", LARGE_INSET, offset += TEXT_STRIDE);
g.drawString("Z - Rotate Anticlockwise", LARGE_INSET, offset += TEXT_STRIDE);
g.drawString("X - Rotate Clockwise", LARGE_INSET, offset += TEXT_STRIDE);
g.drawString("Down - Drop", LARGE_INSET, offset += TEXT_STRIDE);
g.drawString("P - Pause Game", LARGE_INSET, offset += TEXT_STRIDE);
* Draw the next piece preview box.
g.drawString("Next Piece:", SMALL_INSET, 70);
* Draw a preview of the next piece that will be spawned. The code is pretty much
* identical to the drawing code on the board, just smaller and centered, rather
* than constrained to a grid.
TileType type = tetris.getNextPieceType();
if(!tetris.isGameOver() && type != null) {
* Get the size properties of the current piece.
int cols = type.getCols();
int rows = type.getRows();
int dimension = type.getDimension();
* Calculate the top left corner (origin) of the piece.
int startX = (SQUARE_CENTER_X - (cols * TILE_SIZE / 2));
int startY = (SQUARE_CENTER_Y - (rows * TILE_SIZE / 2));
* Get the insets for the preview. The default
* rotation is used for the preview, so we just use 0.
int top = type.getTopInset(0);
int left = type.getLeftInset(0);
* Loop through the piece and draw it's tiles onto the preview.
for(int row = 0; row < dimension; row++) {
for(int col = 0; col < dimension; col++) {
if(type.isTile(col, row, 0)) {
drawTile(type, startX + ((col - left) * TILE_SIZE), startY + ((row - top) * TILE_SIZE), g);
* Draws a tile onto the preview window.
* @param type The type of tile to draw.
* @param x The x coordinate of the tile.
* @param y The y coordinate of the tile.
* @param g The graphics object.
private void drawTile(TileType type, int x, int y, Graphics g) {
* Fill the entire tile with the base color.
g.fillRect(x, y, TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE);
* Fill the bottom and right edges of the tile with the dark shading color.
* Fill the top and left edges with the light shading. We draw a single line
* for each row or column rather than a rectangle so that we can draw a nice
* looking diagonal where the light and dark shading meet.
for(int i = 0; i < SHADE_WIDTH; i++) {
g.drawLine(x, y + i, x + TILE_SIZE - i - 1, y + i);
g.drawLine(x + i, y, x + i, y + TILE_SIZE - i - 1);