
时间:2018-04-22 06:19:10

标签: python classification posthoc tukeyhsd

我有来自py pairwise_tukeyhsd的{​​{1}}的Tukey测试表。


我将此表格设为 group1 group2 meandiff lower upper reject 0 101 102 0.2917 -0.0425 0.6259 False 1 101 103 0.1571 -0.1649 0.4792 False 2 101 104 -0.1333 -0.4675 0.2009 False 3 101 105 0.0833 -0.2509 0.4175 False 4 101 106 -0.0500 -0.3626 0.2626 False 5 102 103 -0.1345 -0.4566 0.1875 False 6 102 104 -0.4250 -0.7592 -0.0908 True 7 102 105 -0.2083 -0.5425 0.1259 False 8 102 106 -0.3417 -0.6543 -0.0290 True 9 103 104 -0.2905 -0.6125 0.0316 False 10 103 105 -0.0738 -0.3959 0.2482 False 11 103 106 -0.2071 -0.5067 0.0924 False 12 104 105 0.2167 -0.1175 0.5509 False 13 104 106 0.0833 -0.2293 0.3960 False 14 105 106 -0.1333 -0.4460 0.1793 False pandas。我想(通过字母)标记表示统计关系的组(101-106)。对于这个具体的例子,期望的结果是:(我不介意结果将是df,列表,字典)


如您所见,所有共享相似字母的组具有相等的平均值(拒绝列= False),具有不同字母的组(拒绝列= True)具有不同的均值。例如,组101的平均值等于所有其他组的平均值,因为组101具有字母ab,并且所有其他组具有 a b ab 。另一方面,组106只有字母 b ,表示它与的所有组相似,除了,组102只有字母 a < / em>的

我找不到自动python解决方案。我saw R有一个名为group label 101 ab 102 a 103 ab 104 b 105 ab 106 b 的包,在python中有类似的东西吗?

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


  • 导入字符串(丢失)
  • 将dictionary.iteritems更改为dictionary.items(python3)
  • 将所有打印“ ...”转换为print(“ ...”)(python3)
  • 缺少变量group_names
  • 强制GroupName在group_name循环中为str
  • 将最终词典分类为dict2


import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import math
import itertools
import string

df = pd.read_csv('input2.csv', index_col=0)

df_True = df.loc[df.reject==True,:]
letters = list(string.ascii_lowercase)
n = 0

group1_list = df_True.group1.tolist() #get the groups from the df with only True (True df) to a list
group2_list = df_True.group2.tolist()
group3 = group1_list+group2_list #concat both lists
group4 = list(set(group3)) #get unique items from the list
group5 = [str(i) for i in group4 ] #convert unicode to a str
group5.sort() #sort the list

gen = ((i, 0) for i in group5) #create dict with 0 so the dict won't be empty when starts
dictionary = dict(gen)

group6 = [(group5[i],group5[j]) for i in range(len(group5)) for j in range(i+1, len(group5))] #get all combination pairs
for pairs in group6: #check for each combination if it is present in df_True


        a = df_True.loc[(df_True.group1==pairs[0])&(df_True.group2==pairs[1]),:] #check if the pair exists in the df

        a.shape[0] == 0

    if a.shape[0] == 0: #it mean that the df is empty as it does not appear in df_True so this pair is equal

        print ('equal')

        if dictionary[pairs[0]] != 0 and dictionary[pairs[1]] == 0: #if the 1st is populated but the 2nd in not populated
            print ("1st is populated and 2nd is empty")
            dictionary[pairs[1]] = dictionary[pairs[0]]

        elif dictionary[pairs[0]] != 0 and dictionary[pairs[1]] != 0: #if both are populated, check matching labeles
            print ("both are populated")
            if len(list(set([c for c in dictionary[pairs[0]] if c in dictionary[pairs[1]]]))) >0: #check if they have a common label
                    print ("they have a shared character")
                print ("equal but have different labels")
             #check if the 1st group label doesn't appear in anyother labels, if it is unique then the 2nd group can have the first group label
                m = 0 #count the number of groups that have a shared char with 1st group
                j = 0 #count the number of groups that have a shared char with 2nd group
                for key, value in dictionary.items():
                    if key != pairs[0] and len(list(set([c for c in dictionary[pairs[0]] if c in value])))==0:
                for key, value in dictionary.items():
                    if key != pairs[1] and len(list(set([c for c in dictionary[pairs[1]] if c in value])))==0:
                if m == len(dictionary)-1 and j == len(dictionary)-1: #it means that this value is unique because it has no shared char with another group
                    print ("unique")
                    dictionary[pairs[1]] = dictionary[pairs[0]][0]

                    print ("there is at least one group in the dict that shares a char with the 1st group")
                    dictionary[pairs[1]] = dictionary[pairs[1]] + dictionary[pairs[0]][0]

        else:  # if it equals 0, meaning if the 1st is empty (which means that the 2nd must be also empty)
            print ("both are empty")
            dictionary[pairs[0]] = letters[n]
            dictionary[pairs[1]] = letters[n]


        print ("not equal")

        if dictionary[pairs[0]] != 0: # if the first one is populated (has a value) then give a value only to the second 

            print ('1st is populated')
            # if the 2nd is not empty and they don't share a charcter then no change is needed as they already have different labels
            if dictionary[pairs[1]] != 0 and len(list(set([c for c in dictionary[pairs[0]] if c in dictionary[pairs[1]]]))) == 0:
                print ("no change")

            elif dictionary[pairs[1]] == 0: #if the 2nd is not populated give it a new letter
                dictionary[pairs[1]] = letters[n+1]

            #if the 2nd is populated and equal to the 1st, then change the letter of the 2nd to a new one and assign its original letter to all the others that had the same original letter       
            elif  dictionary[pairs[1]] != 0 and len(list(set([c for c in dictionary[pairs[0]] if c in dictionary[pairs[1]]]))) > 0:
                #need to check that they don't share a charcter
                print ("need to add a letter")
                original_value = dictionary[pairs[1]]
                dictionary[pairs[1]] = letters[n]
                for key, value in dictionary.items():
                    if key != pairs[0] and len(list(set([c for c in original_value if c in value])))>0: #for any given value, check if it had a character from the group that will get a new letter, if so, it means  that they are equal and thus the new letter should also appear in the value of the "old" group 
                        dictionary[key] = original_value + letters[n]  #add the original letter of the group to all the other groups it was similar to               


            print ('1st is empty')
            dictionary[pairs[0]] = letters[n]
            dictionary[pairs[1]] = letters[n+1]
            print (dictionary)

# get the letter out the dictionary

labels = list(dictionary.values())
labels1 = list(set(labels))
final_label = ''.join(labels1)

for GroupName in group_names:
    if GroupName in dictionary:
        print ("already exists")
        dictionary[str(GroupName)] = final_label

for key, value in dictionary.items(): #this keeps only the unique char per group and sort it by group
    dictionary[key] =  ''.join(set(value))

dict2 = dict(sorted(dictionary.items())) # the final output

答案 1 :(得分:0)


    df_True = df.loc[df.reject==True,:]

    letters = list(string.ascii_lowercase)
    n = 0

    group1_list = df_True.group1.tolist() #get the groups from the df with only True (True df) to a list
    group2_list = df_True.group2.tolist()
    group3 = group1_list+group2_list #concat both lists
    group4 = list(set(group3)) #get unique items from the list
    group5 = [str(i) for i in group4 ] #convert unicode to a str
    group5.sort() #sort the list

    gen = ((i, 0) for i in group5) #create dict with 0 so the dict won't be empty when starts
    dictionary = dict(gen)

    group6 = [(group5[i],group5[j]) for i in range(len(group5)) for j in range(i+1, len(group5))] #get all combination pairs
    for pairs in group6: #check for each combination if it is present in df_True

        print n
        print dictionary

            a = df_True.loc[(df_True.group1==pairs[0])&(df_True.group2==pairs[1]),:] #check if the pair exists in the df

            a.shape[0] == 0 

        if a.shape[0] == 0: #it mean that the df is empty as it does not appear in df_True so this pair is equal

            print 'equal'

            if dictionary[pairs[0]] != 0 and dictionary[pairs[1]] == 0: #if the 1st is populated but the 2nd in not populated
                print "1st is populated and 2nd is empty"      
                dictionary[pairs[1]] = dictionary[pairs[0]]

            elif dictionary[pairs[0]] != 0 and dictionary[pairs[1]] != 0: #if both are populated, check matching labeles
                print "both are populated"
                if len(list(set([c for c in dictionary[pairs[0]] if c in dictionary[pairs[1]]]))) >0: #check if they have a common label
                        print "they have a shared character"
                    print "equal but have different labels"
                 #check if the 1st group label doesn't appear in anyother labels, if it is unique then the 2nd group can have the first group label
                    m = 0 #count the number of groups that have a shared char with 1st group
                    j = 0 #count the number of groups that have a shared char with 2nd group
                    for key, value in dictionary.iteritems():
                        if key != pairs[0] and len(list(set([c for c in dictionary[pairs[0]] if c in value])))==0:
                    for key, value in dictionary.iteritems():
                        if key != pairs[1] and len(list(set([c for c in dictionary[pairs[1]] if c in value])))==0:
                    if m == len(dictionary)-1 and j == len(dictionary)-1: #it means that this value is unique because it has no shared char with another group
                        print "unique"
                        dictionary[pairs[1]] = dictionary[pairs[0]][0]

                        print "there is at least one group in the dict that shares a char with the 1st group"                                 
                        dictionary[pairs[1]] = dictionary[pairs[1]] + dictionary[pairs[0]][0]

            else:  # if it equals 0, meaning if the 1st is empty (which means that the 2nd must be also empty)
                print "both are empty"
                dictionary[pairs[0]] = letters[n]
                dictionary[pairs[1]] = letters[n]


            print "not equal"

            if dictionary[pairs[0]] != 0: # if the first one is populated (has a value) then give a value only to the second 

                print '1st is populated'            
                # if the 2nd is not empty and they don't share a charcter then no change is needed as they already have different labels
                if dictionary[pairs[1]] != 0 and len(list(set([c for c in dictionary[pairs[0]] if c in dictionary[pairs[1]]]))) == 0: 
                    print "no change"

                elif dictionary[pairs[1]] == 0: #if the 2nd is not populated give it a new letter
                    dictionary[pairs[1]] = letters[n+1]

                #if the 2nd is populated and equal to the 1st, then change the letter of the 2nd to a new one and assign its original letter to all the others that had the same original letter       
                elif  dictionary[pairs[1]] != 0 and len(list(set([c for c in dictionary[pairs[0]] if c in dictionary[pairs[1]]]))) > 0:
                    #need to check that they don't share a charcter
                    print "need to add a letter"
                    original_value = dictionary[pairs[1]]
                    dictionary[pairs[1]] = letters[n]
                    for key, value in dictionary.iteritems():
                        if key != pairs[0] and len(list(set([c for c in original_value if c in value])))>0: #for any given value, check if it had a character from the group that will get a new letter, if so, it means  that they are equal and thus the new letter should also appear in the value of the "old" group 
                            dictionary[key] = original_value + letters[n]  #add the original letter of the group to all the other groups it was similar to               


                print '1st is empty'
                dictionary[pairs[0]] = letters[n]
                dictionary[pairs[1]] = letters[n+1]
                print dictionary

    # get the letter out the dictionary

    labels = list(dictionary.values())
    labels1 = list(set(labels))
    final_label = ''.join(labels1)

    for GroupName in group_names:
        if GroupName in dictionary:
            print "already exists"
            dictionary[GroupName] = final_label

    for key, value in dictionary.iteritems(): #this keeps only the unique char per group and sort it by group
        dictionary[key] =  ''.join(set(value))