What does it mean if a method returns browser.page?

时间:2018-04-20 21:20:56

标签: selenium geb

I wanted to start practicing some more of GEB/selenium best practices.

I found some documentation that I am trying to mimic but I am not getting the desired result and I believe it may be do to my misunderstanding.

I found this code snippet here:

class HomePage extends geb.Page {
  static content = {
    loginLink(to: LoginPage) { $("#login_link") }

  LoginPage clickLoginLink() {

    return browser.page
class LoginPage extends geb.Page {
  static content = {
    usernameField { $("#username") }
    passwordField { $("#password") }
    loginButton(to: DashboardPage) { $("#login_button") }  

  DashboardPage login(String username, String password) {

    return browser.page

It then goes on to say that this structure allows you to make this call:

DashboardPage dashboardPage = to(HomePage).clickLoginLink().login('user1', 'password1')

I have tried to set up something slightly similar the code is as follows:


class LoginPage extends Page {

    static at = { $(By.xpath("//h1[text()='Welcome to Your Company JIRA']")).displayed }
    static url = "http://localhost:2990/jira/login.jsp"

    static content = {
        LOGIN_USER {$(By.id("login-form-username"))}
        LOGIN_PASS  {$(By.id("login-form-password"))}
        LOGIN_BTN  (to: SystemDashboardPage, toWait:10)  {$(By.id("login-form-submit"))}
        banner {module JiraBanner}

    def logIn(user, pass){
        return browser.page



class Test extends GebReportingSpec {

    //The Pages we will use for this test
    def loginPage = new LoginPage()
    def systemDashboardPage = new SystemDashboardPage()

    def "Login to Jira"(){
        when: "we navigate to Jira Login"
        loginPage = to LoginPage
        and: "we login"
        systemDashboardPage = loginPage.logIn("admin", "admin")
        then: "We should be at the home page"
        assert systemDashboardPage instanceof SystemDashboardPage

def "Navigate to Issues Admin Page"(){
    when: "we Navigate to the Admin Issues Page"
    issuesAdminsPage = systemDashboardPage.banner.goToIssuesAdmin()
    then: "we should be at the issue admin Page"
    assert issuesAdminsPage instanceof IssuesAdminPage

When I run this code though I get:

Instance of page class Pages.SystemDashboardPage has not been initialized. 
Please pass it to Browser.to(), Browser.via(), Browser.page() or 
Browser.at() before using it.
geb.error.PageInstanceNotInitializedException: Instance of page class 
Pages.SystemDashboardPage has not been initialized. Please pass it to 
Browser.to(), Browser.via(), Browser.page() or Browser.at() before using it.

From what I can understand from the example, returning browser.page should be initializing the page since I added the to flag to the static content.

What am I missing here?

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def loginPage = new LoginPage()
def systemDashboardPage = new SystemDashboardPage()


static loginPage = new LoginPage()
static systemDashboardPage = new SystemDashboardPage()
