Excel VBA使用日志函数

时间:2018-04-20 16:49:07

标签: performance excel-vba vba excel




    Sub time_test()

        'This is just to simulate the vector of input data which in reality would be an acoustic spectrum
        Dim yval(8000000, 1) As Double
        Dim val(8000000, 1) As Double
        For i = 0 To 8000000
            yval(i, 0) = 100 * Rnd
        Next i
        Length = 8000001

        'From here on is where I must improve the performance of the code
        Timing = Timer

        For Index = 1 To Length
            val(Index - 1, 1) = 20 * Log10(yval(Index - 1, 0), "Pre")
        Next Index

        Debug.Print Round(Timer - Timing, 2)

    End Sub

    Public Function Log10(Valeur As Double, sType As String) As Double

        Select Case sType
            Case "Vib"
                If Valeur <> 0 Then
                    Log10 = Log(Valeur) / Log(10#)
                End If
            Case "Pre"
                If Valeur <> 0 Then
                    Log10 = Log(Valeur / (2 * (10 ^ -5))) / Log(10#)
                End If
        End Select

    End Function

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