
时间:2018-04-19 15:01:50

标签: angular loading


大家好,我正在以角5进行申请。 我已经看到一些页面显示正在加载的组件的形式,而整个页面完全加载该效果将显示。 它就像一个装载机,但非常有趣,因为它适用于小型组件。


ListView class



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

这些被称为skeleton screen。这些只不过是带有动画效果的GIF或普通html,它们在实际数据加载时充当占位符。骨架屏幕有助于提高应用程序的感知性能。


// As soon as content is added to the skeleton screen container, the `:empty` pseudo-class won't match anymore and the background will be automatically removed.
document.querySelector('button').addEventListener('click', function() {
  document.querySelector('.demo').innerHTML = '<h1>Injected content.</h1>';
Animated skeleton screen using CSS.

Create shapes using gradients that simulate solids.

Use `:empty` pseduo-class to show skeleton screen background only while container has no content (ex: for the "loading" state). When content is added to the container element, the pseudo-class selector won't match anymore and the skeleton screen will be removed automatically; no need to toggle a separate class on the container.

See: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/:empty

Animating one layer of the background which is a tilted linear gradient with white in the middle to achieve shine effect.
	.demo:empty {
    margin: auto;
		width: 500px;
		height: 600px; /* change height to see repeat-y behavior */
			radial-gradient( circle 50px at 50px 50px, lightgray 99%, transparent 0 ),
			linear-gradient( 100deg, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0), rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5) 50%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0) 80% ),
			linear-gradient( lightgray 20px, transparent 0 ),
			linear-gradient( lightgray 20px, transparent 0 ),
			linear-gradient( lightgray 20px, transparent 0 ),
			linear-gradient( lightgray 20px, transparent 0 );

		background-repeat: repeat-y;

			100px 200px, /* circle */
			50px 200px, /* highlight */
			150px 200px,
			350px 200px,
			300px 200px,
			250px 200px;

			0 0, /* circle */
			0 0, /* highlight */
			120px 0,
			120px 40px,
			120px 80px,
			120px 120px;

		animation: shine 1s infinite;

	@keyframes shine {
		to {
				0 0,
				100% 0, /* move highlight to right */
				120px 0,
				120px 40px,
				120px 80px,
				120px 120px;
<button>Add content</button>
<div class="demo"></div>