我研究过Gnuplot 5. *文档,发现只有一些不够接近的方法:例如smooth unique
绘制所有y值的平均值,smooth frequency
绘制所有y值的 sum 。我只想采取最后一个值 - 类似的y值是"覆盖"。
stats ifname using 1 nooutput
columns = STATS_columns
blocks = STATS_blocks
ymax = -1e30
do for [i=2:columns] {
stats ifname using i nooutput
ymax = (ymax > valid(STATS_max)) ? ymax : STATS_max
plot for [j=2:columns] ifname using 1:j, \
"" using 1:(column(0) == 1 ? ymax : NaN) axes x1y2 with impulse notitle lc black lw 0.75 dashtype 2
t sqr sqrt y
4.000000 16.000000 2.000000 8.491226
4.010000 16.080100 2.002498 8.576564
4.055000 16.443025 2.013703 8.971325
4.257500 18.126306 2.063371 10.985030
4.510790 20.347226 2.123862 14.151540
4.764080 22.696458 2.182677 18.230817
5.000000 25.000000 2.236068 23.081549
t sqr sqrt y
5.000000 25.000000 2.236068 23.081549
5.010000 25.100100 2.238303 23.313522
5.055000 25.553025 2.248333 24.386594
5.257500 27.641306 2.292924 29.860411
5.508013 30.338210 2.346916 38.361213
5.758527 33.160628 2.399693 49.282063
6.000000 36.000000 2.449490 62.742164
t sqr sqrt y
5.000000 25.000000 2.236068 23.081549
5.010000 25.100100 2.238303 23.083547
5.055000 25.553025 2.248333 23.092489
5.257500 27.641306 2.292924 23.131767
6.000000 36.000000 2.449490 23.263871
t sqr sqrt y
6.000000 36.000000 2.449490 23.263871
6.010000 36.120100 2.451530 23.497677
6.055000 36.663025 2.460691 24.579225
6.257500 39.156306 2.501500 30.096280
6.508000 42.354068 2.551079 38.663729
6.758501 45.677331 2.599712 49.670058
7.000000 49.000000 2.645752 63.237766
set y2range [0:ymax]
plot for [j=2:columns] for [b=0:blocks-1] ifname index b \
using 1:(ignore[b+1] ? NaN : column(j)) lt (j-1) \
title b==0 ? columnhead(j) : "", \
for [b=0:blocks-1] "" index b \
using 1:(ignore[b+1] ? NaN : column(0) == 1 ? ymax : NaN) \
axes x1y2 with impulse notitle \
lc black lw 0.5 dashtype 2
答案 0 :(得分:1)
set terminal pngcairo enhanced rounded
set output 'fig.png'
ifname = 'data.dat'
stats ifname using 1 nooutput
columns = STATS_columns
blocks = STATS_blocks
array signatures[blocks]
do for [j=0:blocks-1] {
stats ifname index j:j using 1 nooutput
#For each block, generate an identifier based on which we will decide if two
#blocks are "duplicit" or not. In this particular case, consider the minimum
#and maximum to 3 decimal digits. Due to the character of the technique used
#below, this identifier should be a valid Gnuplot variable name.
signatures[j+1] = sprintf("block_%d_%d", STATS_min*1000, STATS_max*1000)
#this array marks if a block should be ignored or not.
array ignore[blocks]
#Process blocks in reverse order and for each of them, check if the given
#signature has been already seen or not. If yes, it means that there is
#a more recent equivalent block in the data and the current block should
#be thus ignored. In order to check if a signature has been already seen,
#we set a corresponding variable and then test its existence via exists().
do for [j=blocks-1:0:-1] {
signature = signatures[j+1]
eval sprintf("ignore[%d] = exists(\"%s\");%s = 1;", j+1, signature, signature);
ymax = -1e30
do for [i=2:columns] {
stats ifname using i nooutput
ymax = (ymax > valid(STATS_max)) ? ymax : STATS_max
plot for [j=2:columns] for [b=0:blocks-1] ifname index b:b using 1:(ignore[b+1]?NaN:column(j)) w l lt (j-1) t b==0?sprintf('column %d', j):'', \
"" using 1:(column(0) == 1 ? ymax : NaN) axes x1y2 with impulse notitle lc black lw 0.75 dashtype 2