Is there a way to pause a code in the middle of a run?

时间:2018-04-18 17:57:43

标签: python python-3.x python-2.7

How do you handle a code where you have to pause the code at any given moment. For example, you could be reading files from server and server is going to be rebooted; you would want to pause the code so it stops trying to read the file from the server. You also wouldn't want to rerun the code if you have been running it for a long time. Is there a way to pause a code for certain amount of time in python?

I looked into this everywhere and couldn't find any solution. There were few solution that was mentioned.

raw_input("") :if you are reading millions of file,I don't think you would want to manually enter every time it reaches this part of code.

sleep(): you wouldn't know when to pause the code and for how long so I don't think this would work.

There is a anything I can implement to take care of this issue?



I understand you don't see any snippet of code and I am sorry for not having any code snippet. I have been thinking about this issue and trying to find a solution in case this issue were to arise in future.

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

I don't know how this will affect efficiency-wise but can't you use sleep() inside a while loop or something like that. As in,

while not condition: sleep(100)

or just,

while not condition: pass

答案 1 :(得分:1)



import time, os.path
while True: # Main processing loop
    while os.path.exists('path/to/file'):
    # Do processing stuff
    # here
