change the binlog-row-image property in AWS Aurora MySQL instance to enable change data capture

时间:2018-04-18 17:44:31

标签: mysql amazon-web-services amazon-rds-aurora

I'm new to Amazon Aurora and want to use it to replace an on-prem MySQL instance. We're performing change data capture via MySQL's binlog in our on-prem instance.

In order to do this, it was necessary to set a couple of properties in /etc/my.cnf:

binlog_format     = row
binlog-row-image  = full

I notice that it's possible to create a custom parameter group. Unfortunately, it appears that the binlog-row-image property is not modifiable. An error is thrown when I try to change it:

enter image description here

Is there some other mechanism to update this property outside of the custom parameter group? I notice that its 'Apply type' is dynamic. Does that mean this particular property can be edited permanently at runtime? If so, what's the command?


I set the dynamic binlog_format property by executing the following:

SET binlog_row_image = 'full';

This could be the answer... testing now.


As @BillKarwin correctly points out, the command should be:

SET GLOBAL binlog_row_image = 'full';

Unfortunately, the master user doesn't have permissions to execute this command:

[42000][1227] Access denied; you need (at least one of) the SUPER privilege(s) for this operation

Does that mean that CDC that depends on the binlog_row_image property is impossible on Aurora MySQL?

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