sentiment1 变量是我面临错误的属性。
def allexist(request):
response = {}
responseList = []
sentimentlist = []
dt = {}
fetchedhash = []
senti_vals = []
positive_list = []
negative_list = []
neutral_list = []
positive_vals = []
negative_vals = []
neutral_vals = []
sentiments = {}
d = Registered.objects.filter(id=userid).values('projectid', 'pname')
for x in d:
date1 = Registered.objects.filter(projectid=x["projectid"]).values('startdate', 'enddate')
for dt in date1:
end = dt["startdate"]
startd = dt["startdate"].date()
startt = dt["startdate"].time()
endd = dt["enddate"].date()
endt = dt["enddate"].time()
final = datetime.combine(startd, startt)
final2 = final.replace(minute=00, second=00)
finale = datetime.combine(endd, endt)
finale2 = finale.replace(minute=00, second=00)
e = Hashtagmodel.objects.filter(projectid=x["projectid"]).values('hashtaglist')
for hashes in e:
d = Tweetsmodel.objects.filter(UserID=userid, isoDate__range=(final2, finale2),
w = Tweetsmodel.objects.filter(UserID=userid, isoDate__range=(final2, finale2),
s = Tweetsmodel.objects.filter(UserID=userid, isoDate__range=(final2, finale2),
# otherCount = 0
created_at = []
tweet_count = []
response = {}
for data in d:
# rowData = str(data['isoDate']) + "," + str(data['total'])
response["date"] = created_at
response["count"] = tweet_count
for i in w:
concat_string = ','.join(word for word in word_list)
concat_list = concat_string.split(",")
counts = Counter(concat_list)
word = []
pingpong = 0
for x in counts:
pingpong = pingpong + 1
if pingpong <= 1000:
word.append({"text": x, "size": counts[x]})
jsonStr = json.dumps(word)
for j in s:
senti_string = ','.join(str(word) for word in senti_vals)
senti_list = senti_string.split(",")
counting = Counter(senti_list)
positive = 0
negative = 0
neutral = 0
for j in counting:
if j == '4.0':
positive = counting[j]
positive_string = "\"positive\":" + str(counting[j])
if j == '0.0':
negative = counting[j]
negative_string = "\"negative\":" + str(counting[j])
if j == '1.0':
neutral = counting[j]
neutral_string = "\"neutral\":" + str(counting[j])
positive_vals = Tweetsmodel.objects.filter(Q(senti="4.0") & Q(TweetText__icontains=hashes["hashtaglist"])).values(
negative_vals = Tweetsmodel.objects.filter(Q(senti="0.0") & Q(TweetText__icontains=hashes["hashtaglist"])).values(
neutral_vals = Tweetsmodel.objects.filter(senti="1.0", TweetText__icontains=hashes["hashtaglist"]).values('TweetText')
positive_string = '-----#$$$%%%%____----'.join(str(word) for word in positive_vals)
negative_string = '-----#$$$%%%%____----'.join(str(word) for word in negative_vals)
neutral_string = '-----#$$$%%%%____----'.join(str(word) for word in neutral_vals)
positive_list = positive_string.split("-----#$$$%%%%____----")
negative_list = negative_string.split("-----#$$$%%%%____----")
neutral_list = neutral_string[8:].split("-----#$$$%%%%____----")
stupid = "\n" + "\n"
positive_list = positive_list[:15]
negative_list = negative_list[:15]
neutral_list = neutral_list[:15]
positive_list = [x + stupid for x in positive_list]
negative_list = [x + stupid for x in negative_list]
neutral_list = [x + stupid for x in neutral_list]
# sentiments = [ {"positive": positive, "negative": negative, "neutral": neutral,"data_positive": positive_list, "data_negative": negative_list,"data_neutral":neutral_list}]
sentiments = [{"positive":positive,"negative":negative,"neutral":neutral}]
sentiments1=[{"data_positive": positive_list, "data_negative": negative_list,"data_neutral":neutral_list}]
for alexa in sentimentlist:
print("this is response of senti",alexa)
return render_to_response("personal_anshul/allexist.html", {"responseList": responseList,"jsonStr": jsonStr ,"sentimentlist": sentimentlist,"jsonStr1":sentiments1,"e":e})
return render(request, "personal_anshul/allexist.html")
var my_var = "{{ responseList }}";
var my_var2 = "{{ jsonStr }}";
var my_var3 = "{{ sentimentlist }}";
var my_var4 = "{{ jsonStr1 }}";
var my_var5 = "{{ e }}";
function decodeHtml(html) {
var txt = document.createElement("textarea");
txt.innerHTML = html;
return txt.value;
values = L.split(",/s")
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", "{'TweetText': 'RT @Oldbrookender: Best Selling Action Adventure Series Set in Roman Britain\nFree on Kindle Unlimited\n#iartg #histfic #Rome\n#amazon #bestse…'}
", "{'TweetText': 'RT @omghotels: View from The Shard &amp; River Cruise for Two - Perfect Gift Experience For Two only £89. \n\n /x9lilcNsfF\n\n#Amazon #g…'}
", "{'TweetText': 'RT @Oldbrookender: Best Selling Action Adventure Series Set in Roman Britain\nFree on Kindle Unlimited\n#iartg #histfic #Rome\n#amazon #bestse…'}
", "{'TweetText': '#Apple, #Google, #Facebook, #Amazon, #Microsoft: Which #Tech Giant Will Fall First? /5hgwF71dDP'}
", "{'TweetText': 'RT @SusanneSpellman: #The Virus- Book 1 #Amazon /#ITunes /#B&amp;N\n /9hB7mvKFZQ\n\nThe Virus #Book 2 (Coming Soon)\n /Vbcae…'}
", "{'TweetText': 'RT @Dolors111068: LA MANSIÓN DE LOS NAVAS... de @ja_gonzalez49 Una de las novelas #policíacas más leídas en #Amazon. Ambientada en los año…'}
", "{'TweetText': 'RT @burginvecmo5389: ???????#?????????\n\n??#iTunes???\n10000?×30?\n\n??#Googleplay??? \n10000?×30?\n\n??#Amazon????\n10000?×30?\n\n??????\n\n??????\n?????????…'}
", "{'TweetText': 'RT @mfoulk50: HOLY HUMANITY\nby James Foster\nThought provoking\nperspective after a\nlifetime in ministry\n#amazon\nRT, plz ;}
", "{'TweetText': 'Simplified Steps To Become An Expert #Amazon Seller @Hounddogdigital /qsmAIJTvKW /5wEJ6CuqKJ'}
", '{'TweetText': '"nothing less than perfection" WHEN I\'M WEAK /OGLpCoexbJ #Amazon #Kindle #kindlebooks #Christianfiction'}
', "{'TweetText': 'RT @phonandroid: ?? #FnacDarty et #Google s’allient pour contrer le #HomePod et l’#AmazonEcho #GoogleHome &gt; /zYAjATgVq7 ;}
", "{'TweetText': '?[???????!!]GOOD TIMES A COLLECTION OF AMERICAN STANDARDS #????? #LaserDisc ????#amazon ???!!… /8JMkgjIjCn'}
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", '{'TweetText': "4.3 Stars: Women's Plus Size 711 Skinny Ankle Jeans for $30. Great Deal for Today! #Monday #Amazon #Deal [… /0YV0NYeXrg"}
', "{'TweetText': '#UK 26% off: Samsung Level Active Wireless Headphone Black for £59.44. Great Deal for Today! #Monday #Amazon #Deal… /q3gxh6FSu9'}
", "{'TweetText': 'Philo to Add #Apple TV, Android, and #Amazon Fire TV Support @ Cord Cutters News, LLC .. #?????_??????? /IOgmiDMWBr'}
", "{'TweetText': ' /14rCHPGkat\n #Multicultural #Steamy #Romance #Suspense #Contemporary #Free #Book #Kindle #review #amazon /nyOduXxtYT'}
", "{'TweetText': 'RT @mangahack: ?Android???????????\n?????10?? #Amazon???? 500??????????\n????&amp;RT???????????????? ?5/6(?)23:59??\n\n??????????????????????DL?????…'}
", '{'TweetText': "4.4 Stars: Bcbgmax Azria Women's Dara V-neck Dress for $92. Great Deal for Today! #Monday #Amazon #Deal [… /CddVycgV4k"}
', "{'TweetText': 'Return to Cedar Hill \n /ECoYAEDBJS #Free #Book #Kindle #review #amazon #christianfiction #Siblings,… /xpXnczKZpY'}
", "{'TweetText': 'Return to Cedar Hill \n /XkWAarlRSR #Free #Book #Kindle #review #amazon #christianfiction #Siblings,… /YptXML70RR'}
", "{'TweetText': 'RT @corrigenda_es: #DesdeElTragaluz, de @Marie_N_Vianco\n /DGXDhmpzPE \n#Amazon #thriller #novela\nA veces el lugar más inesper…'}
", "{'TweetText': '4.7 Stars: Pat The Patriot Expandable Bangle Bracelet for $32. Great Deal for Today! #Monday #Amazon #Deal [… /lESdb5zcGQ'}
", "{'TweetText': 'RT @SometimesYouDie: Trump Is Right /g8Z0hLkuUf #USPS #Bezos #Amazon #MAGA @cvpayne'}
", "{'TweetText': '??????? (???????) /RxrIgRqVTB #Amazon'}
", "{'TweetText': '#starvingartist /IcSYAiuXPI #socialmediamarketing #blog #blogging #asmsg #IARTG #IAN1 #Amazon #AmWriting #firebirdslight'}
", "{'TweetText': '????????????? /2UkRy4RLur #Amazon'}
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", '{'TweetText': "RT @W_Angels_Wings: Available on #Amazon ~ With Angel's Wings\n /t3EG8ScQre\n#AwardWinner #memoir #specialneeds #parenting #Kindle…"}
', '{'TweetText': "#USA Deals: Women's Printed Inverted Pleat Dress for $38. Great Deal for Today! #Monday #Amazon #Deal [… /zn1Lco1GwC"}
', "{'TweetText': '#Sondage #ecommerce : Pour vos achats en ligne, quel canal privilégiez vous ?\nLe géant américain #Amazon ? Le franç… /06MCMcBJ23'}
", "{'TweetText': '(Actualitté) Chez #Amazon, on pisse dans une bouteille pour éviter des sanctions : Selon.. /Ul8sMwX1T6 /TZ7WVF1HOP'}
", "{'TweetText': 'RT @kurodorifunny: ????????????2?????? #RT??????\n??10??? #Amazon???? 1000??????\n\n?????2??\n?2000RT?4?\n?3000RT?6?\n?4000RT?8?\n?5000RT?10?\n\n????…'}
", "{'TweetText': 'Quantum Field Theory /aUHJorhZ1c #Amazon'}
", '{'TweetText': "5.0 Stars: Women's Velvet Halter Dress for $129. Great Deal for Today! #Monday #Amazon #Deal [… /K7n05rdqpb"}
', "{'TweetText': 'Better With You $25 Blog Tour Giveaway. Enter to win $25 from author Rachel John #Amazon #Paypal /MEOHSnnwRB'}
", "{'TweetText': 'Dark Energy: Theory and Observations /573ji7vjAy #Amazon'}
", "{'TweetText': 'RT @ATAGOofficial: ?\n#Amazon???? 1,000??????!!\n?\n\n1??????????\n? #????????????????????????????? ?\n\n??????\n@ATAGOofficial ????? &amp; ???????RT\n?…'}
", '{'TweetText': "Before we all start thinking of conferring sainthood on #Amazon because it's in 45's crosshairs, read this. And re… /akqRwVmWj0"}
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