
时间:2018-04-18 04:17:25

标签: f# fable-f# elmish

我有这个代码我正在使用Fable Elmish和Fable远程连接到Suave服务器。我知道服务器因为邮递员而起作用,并且这些代码的变体确实调用了服务器

 let AuthUser model : Cmd<LogInMsg> =
        let callServer = async {
                let! result = server.RequestLogIn model.Credentials
                return result
        let result = callServer |> Async.RunSynchronously
        match result with
        | LogInFailed x -> Cmd.ofMsg (LogInMsg.LogInRejected x) 
        | UserLoggedIn x -> Cmd.ofMsg (LogInMsg.LogInSuccess x)

let结果中的callServer行因Object(...) is not a function而失败,但我不明白为什么。任何帮助将不胜感激。

1 个答案:

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let AuthUser model : Cmd<LogInMsg> =
    let ofSuccess result =
        match result with
        | LogInFailed x -> LogInMsg.LogInRejected x
        | UserLoggedIn x -> LogInMsg.LogInSuccess x
    let ofError exn = (* Message representing failed HTTP request *) 
    Cmd.ofAsync server.RequestLogIn model.Credentials ofSuccess ofError
