
时间:2018-04-17 18:32:42

标签: c# .net linq


xxx, Author1, v6
the net, author1, v7
xxx, author3, v10
DDLJ, author3, v11
the fire, author5, v6
the health, author1, v8
the health, author7, v2
the hero, author9, v11
the hero, author8, v3

我想获得最新版本的电影名称。在这种情况下,它应该返回" DDLJ"和#34;英雄"。


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace ProgramNamespace
    public class Program
        public static List<String> processData(IEnumerable<string> lines)
            Dictionary<string, int> keyValuePairs = new Dictionary<string, int>();
            foreach (var item in lines)
                string[] readsplitted = item.Split(',');              
                keyValuePairs.Add(readsplitted[0], Convert.ToInt32(
                    Regex.Replace(readsplitted[2], "[^0-9]+", string.Empty)));

            //List<String> retVal = new List<String>();
            return retVal;

        static void Main(string[] args)
                List<String> retVal = processData(File.ReadAllLines(@"D:\input.txt"));
                File.WriteAllLines(@"D:\output.txt", retVal);
            catch (IOException ex)


4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)





&#34; 1_xxx&#34;,6
  &#34; 2_the net&#34;,7
  &#34; 3_xxx&#34;,10
  &#34; 4_DDLJ&#34;,11


public static List<String> processData(IEnumerable<string> lines)
    var keyValuePairs = new Dictionary<string, int>();

    int Position = 0;
    foreach (var item in lines)
        string[] readsplitted = item.Split(',');
        keyValuePairs.Add(Position.ToString() +"_" + readsplitted[0], Convert.ToInt32(Regex.Replace(readsplitted[2], "[^0-9]+", string.Empty)));
    var MaxVersion = keyValuePairs.Values.OrderByDescending(f => f).First();

    return keyValuePairs.Where(f => f.Value == MaxVersion).Select(f => string.Join("_", f.Key.Split('_').Skip(1))).ToList();


  • keyValuePairs.Values将只返回版本号
  • .OrderByDescending(f => f).First()将按降序对版本号进行排序,然后选择第一个,即最高的
  • keyValuePairs.Where(f => f.Value == MaxVersion)将选择与
  • 上方最高版本对应的键值对
  • .Select(f => f.Key)会为您提供Dictionary的密钥,即标题

这样你也可以保留Dictionary; 如果你这样做了一次并且你不需要扩展你的代码或重用你的模型,你就不必创建其他类或使它变得比必要的更复杂。

答案 1 :(得分:1)


public class MovieInfo
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string Author { get; set; }
    public int Version { get; set; }

    public static bool TryParse(string input, out MovieInfo result)
        result = null;
        if (input == null) return false;

        var parts = input.Split(',');
        int version;

        if (parts.Length == 3 &&
            int.TryParse(parts[2].Trim().TrimStart('v'), out version))
            result = new MovieInfo
                Name = parts[0],
                Author = parts[1],
                Version = version

        return result != null;

    public override string ToString()
        return $"{Name} (v{Version}) - {Author}";


public static List<MovieInfo> processData(IEnumerable<string> lines)
    if (lines == null) return null;

    var results = new List<MovieInfo>();

    foreach (var line in lines)
        MovieInfo temp;

        if (MovieInfo.TryParse(line, out temp))

    var maxVersion = results.Max(result => result.Version);

    return results.Where(result => result.Version == maxVersion).ToList();


private static void Main()
    var lines = new List<string>
        "xxx, Author1, v6",
        "the net, author1, v7",
        "xxx, author3, v10",
        "DDLJ, author3, v11",
        "the fire, author5, v6",
        "the health, author1, v8",
        "the health, author7, v2",
        "the hero, author9, v11",
        "the hero, author8, v3",

    var processed = processData(lines);

    foreach (var movie in processed)
        // Note: this uses the overridden ToString method. You could just do 'movie.Name'

    GetKeyFromUser("\nDone!! Press any key to exit...");


enter image description here

答案 2 :(得分:0)


public static List<String> processData(string fileName)
    var lines = File.ReadAllLines(fileName);

    var values = lines.Select(x => 
        var readsplitted = x.Split(',');
        return new { Name = readsplitted[0], Verison = int.Parse(readsplitted[2].Replace("v", string.Empty))};  

    var maxValue= values.Max(x => x.Verison);

    return values.Where(v => v.Verison == maxValue)
    .Select(v => v.Name)

static void Main(string[] args)
        List<String> retVal = processData(@"D:\output.txt");
    catch (IOException ex)

答案 3 :(得分:0)

  1. 创建一个Movie类,以便为表示电影的每一行初始化对象。
  2. 首先通过','。
  3. 分隔传递给processData()的整个字符串
  4. 提取每部电影的版本号(从“v”开始),请参阅:extractNumberFromString()方法。
  5. 找到最大版本号并获取(使用linq查询)所有共享最大版本号的电影。

  6. public static List<Movie> processData(string s)
        // list to store all movies
        List<Movie> allmovies = new List<Movie>();
        // first split by new line
        var splitbynewline = s.Split('\n');
        // split by ',' and initilize object
        foreach (var line in splitbynewline)
            var moviestring = line.Split(',');
            // create new movie object
            Movie obj = new Movie { Name = moviestring[0], Author = moviestring[1], Version = moviestring[2] };
            obj.VersionNumber = extractNumberFromString(moviestring[2]);
        // get the max version number
        double maxver = allmovies.Max(x => x.VersionNumber);
        // set and returen list that containes all movies with max version
        List<Movie> result = allmovies.Where(x => x.VersionNumber == maxver).ToList();
        return result;
    /// <summary>
    /// convert number that exist in a string to an int32 for example sdfdf43gn will return as 43
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="value">string that contains inside him as digits</param>
    /// <returns>int32</returns>
    public static double extractNumberFromString(string value)
        string returnVal = string.Empty;
        System.Text.RegularExpressions.MatchCollection collection = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Matches(value, "\\d+");
        foreach (System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match m in collection)
            returnVal += m.ToString();
        return Convert.ToDouble(returnVal);
    public class Movie
        public string Name;
        public String Author;
        public string Version;
        public double VersionNumber;