
时间:2018-04-17 06:35:34

标签: javascript stored-procedures levenshtein-distance

我希望测试MDLD的性能,以便将某些浏览器中的字符串比较集成到Web应用程序中。用例涉及比较字符串,如“300mm,Packed Wall”和“Packed Wall - 300mm”,所以我一直在寻找模糊字符串匹配,它具有标点符号和拼写错误的容忍度,以及允许块字符转置。 / p>

我无法在线找到Javascript的实现。我在CSIRO's Taxamatch Wiki找到了为PL / SQL编写的版本。

这是我尝试将代码转换为JS;基本函数的结果似乎相当准确,但是块转置计算没有给出预期的结果。例如。 “Hi There”vs“There Hi”返回“6”,无论块限制设置为什么。

如果有人知道有效的实施,你能指点我吗?或者,我的改编或源代码本身有什么问题?我做的唯一一个重大改变是在两个实例中使用“Math.ceil()”,其中源似乎使用整数除法,这总是占据一席之地 - 这导致输入的奇怪问题导致1个字符串 - 但似乎没有影响我测试过的其他案例的行为。

function mdld(str1, str2, block_lim)
    mycol = [];
    cost = 0;
    len1 = str1.length;
    len2 = str2.length;

    if( str1 === str2 )
        return 0;
    else if ( len1 === 0 || len2 === 0 )
        return Math.max(len1, len2);
    else if ( len1 === 1 && len2 === 1 && str1 !== str2 )
        return 1;
        // Temporary strings which will be pre-processed
        // Speeds up calcs & retains correct measurement
        temp1 = str1;
        temp2 = str2;

        // Trim any common initial characters
        while ( temp1.substr(0,1) === temp2.substr(0,1) )
            temp1 = temp1.substr(1, temp1.length);
            temp2 = temp2.substr(1, temp2.length);

        // Trim any trailing characters
        while ( temp1.substr(-1,1) === temp2.substr(-1,1) )
            temp1 = temp1.substr(0,temp1.length-1);
            temp2 = temp2.substr(0,temp2.length-1);

        len1 = temp1.length;
        len2 = temp2.length;

        // Calc Levenshtein Distance
        if (len1 === 0 || len2 === 0)
            return Math.max(len1, len2);
        else if (len1 === 1 && len2 === 1 && str1 !== str2)
            return 1;
            // Create columns
            var s, t;
            for(s = 0; s <= len1; s++)
                mycol[s] = [];

            // Enter values into leftmost column
            for(t = 0; t <= len2; t++)
                mycol[0][t] = t;

            // Populate remaining columns
            for(s = 1; s <= len1; s++)
                mycol[s][0] = s;
                // Populate first row (each cell of one column)
                for(t = 1; t <= len2; t++)
                    //Calculate cost
                    if (temp1.substr(s-1,1) === temp2.substr(t-1,1))
                        cost = 0;
                        cost = 1;

                    // extension to cover multiple character transpositions
                    // that includes calculation of original Levenshtein distance when no transposition 
                    tempBlockLen = Math.min( Math.ceil(len1/2), Math.ceil(len2/2), !block_lim ? 1 : block_lim );

                    while (tempBlockLen >= 1)
                        if ((s >= tempBlockLen * 2) && 
                            (t >= tempBlockLen * 2) &&
                            (temp1.substr(s-tempBlockLen*2, tempBlockLen) === temp2.substr(t-tempBlockLen, tempBlockLen)) &&
                            (temp1.substr(s-tempBlockLen, tempBlockLen) === temp2.substr(t-tempBlockLen*2, tempBlockLen)))
                            // Transposition found
                            mycol[s][t] = Math.min( mycol[s][t-1] + 1,
                                                    mycol[s-1][t] + 1,
                                                    mycol[s-tempBlockLen*2][t-tempBlockLen*2] + cost + tempBlockLen - 1 );
                            tempBlockLen = 0;
                        else if (tempBlockLen === 1)
                            // No Transposition
                            mycol[s][t] = Math.min( mycol[s][t-1] + 1,
                                                    mycol[s-1][t] + 1,
                                                    mycol[s-1][t-1] + cost );
                        tempBlockLen = tempBlockLen - 1;    
        return mycol[len1][len2];

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

最后,我无法弄清楚我对CSIRO代码的改编是什么问题。找到了一个github repo,它使用Ruby扩展https://github.com/GlobalNamesArchitecture/damerau-levenshtein在C中实现了该函数。

改编以获得功能实现。似乎工作正常,但对我的用例不太好。 MDLD可以交换文本块,但仅限于不需要多次连续交换来构造源字符串的情况。转而去看N-Grams。


li $v0,5            #take in input

    #This will take the edge length of the base of the right triangle as argument $a0.
    move $a0, $v0           #move the input to a0

    # If user enter 0 or a negative number, the program exits.
    bgtz $a0, printTriangle     #branch if greater than zero

    li $v0, 4
la $a0, ExitMsg

    li $v0,10           #end program

    # Otherwise, the program will pass the edge length value in $a0 to the printTriangle procedure, which will print the triangle as described.
    printTriangle:          #Write a procedure called printTriangle. 
    li $t0, 1           #keep track vervicle
    li $t1, 1           #keep track Horizontal
    move $t3, $a0           #INPUT INT as t3

    # It will then print the triangle with stars. 
    li $v0, 4
    la $a0, star

    beq $t0, $t1, exitLoop          #if counter 0 = counter 1, exitLoop to new line
    #print an *
    addi $t0, $t0, 1            #otherwise incriment t0 location in array
    j loop                  #looping up to beginning

    li $v0, 4               #print newline
    la $a0, newLine

    beq $t1, $t3, input             #if t1 = INPUT INT as t3, The mainline code will then loop back to ask the user for a new edge length.

    li $t0, 1               #set t0 back to 0
    addi $t1, $t1, 1            # incriment t1 location in array    
    j loop