将VB.Net MVC Razor样式/脚本包结合到剃须刀页面内的新包中

时间:2018-04-16 13:31:20

标签: asp.net-mvc vb.net razor



@section scripts
End Section


bundles.Add(New ScriptBundle("~/plugins/onTheFly").Include(
@section scripts
   @* only one script file for the browser to download *@


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)







Public Class BundleManager
#Region "Script Bundling"
    Public Overloads Shared Function ScriptBundle(newBundlePath As String, ParamArray bundleOrFilePaths As String()) As IHtmlString

        ' used when looping dictionaries below
        Dim pair As KeyValuePair(Of String, Boolean)

        ' Loops through all bundleOrFilePaths given and:
        ' --If the path is for a bundle then adds the filepaths in that bundle to the allFilePaths list
        ' --If the path is for a single file then adds that file path to the allFilePaths list
        ' The end result is a list of individual files to include in the new on-the-fly bundle
        Dim allFilePaths As New Dictionary(Of String, Boolean)
        For idx As Integer = 0 To bundleOrFilePaths.Length - 1
            Dim filepaths As Dictionary(Of String, Boolean) = GetFilepathsInBundle(bundleOrFilePaths(idx), False)
            For Each pair In filepaths
                If allFilePaths.ContainsKey(pair.Key) = False Then
                    allFilePaths.Add(pair.Key, pair.Value)
                End If

        Dim thisBundle = New ScriptBundle(newBundlePath)
        For Each pair In allFilePaths
        Return Scripts.Render(newBundlePath)
    End Function
#End Region

#Region "Style Bundling"
    Public Overloads Shared Function StyleBundle(newBundlePath As String, ParamArray bundleOrFilePaths As String()) As IHtmlString

        ' used when looping dictionaries below
        Dim pair As KeyValuePair(Of String, Boolean)

        ' Loops through all bundleOrFilePaths given and:
        ' --If the path is for a bundle then adds the filepaths in that bundle to the allFilePaths list
        ' --If the path is for a single file then adds that file path to the allFilePaths list
        ' The end result is a list of individual files to include in the new on-the-fly bundle
        Dim allFilePaths As New Dictionary(Of String, Boolean)
        For idx As Integer = 0 To bundleOrFilePaths.Length - 1
            Dim filepaths As Dictionary(Of String, Boolean) = GetFilepathsInBundle(bundleOrFilePaths(idx), True)
            For Each pair In filepaths
                If allFilePaths.ContainsKey(pair.Key) = False Then
                    allFilePaths.Add(pair.Key, pair.Value)
                End If

        Dim thisBundle = New StyleBundle(newBundlePath)
        For Each pair In allFilePaths
            If pair.Value = True Then
                thisBundle.Include(pair.Key, New CssRewriteUrlTransform())
            End If
        Return Styles.Render(newBundlePath)
    End Function
#End Region

    Public Shared Function GetFilepathsInBundle(ByVal bundleOrFilePath As String, Optional ByVal lookForCssRewriteUrlTransform As Boolean = False) As Dictionary(Of String, Boolean)
        Dim filepaths As New Dictionary(Of String, Boolean)

        Dim myBundle As System.Web.Optimization.Bundle
        myBundle = BundleTable.Bundles.GetBundleFor(bundleOrFilePath)
        If myBundle Is Nothing Then
            ' This isn't a bundle path so it's just a file path, add it to the filepaths list and return
            filepaths.Add(bundleOrFilePath, False)
            Return filepaths
        End If

        Dim currentContext As HttpContext = HttpContext.Current

        Dim httpCtxt As HttpContextWrapper
        httpCtxt = New HttpContextWrapper(currentContext)

        Dim myContext As BundleContext
        myContext = New BundleContext(httpCtxt, BundleTable.Bundles, bundleOrFilePath)

        Dim myIEnumerable As IEnumerable(Of BundleFile)
        myIEnumerable = myBundle.EnumerateFiles(myContext)

        For Each bundlefile In myIEnumerable.ToArray
            Dim useCssRewriteUrlTransform As Boolean = False
            If lookForCssRewriteUrlTransform = True AndAlso bundlefile.Transforms.Count > 0 Then
                useCssRewriteUrlTransform = True
            End If
            filepaths.Add(bundlefile.IncludedVirtualPath, useCssRewriteUrlTransform)

        Return filepaths

    End Function

End Class    

**在您的剃刀页面** 为浏览器创建单个样式和单个脚本包以进行下载 通过组合此特定剃刀页面使用的所有包和单个文件。

请注意,StyleBundle / ScriptBundle的第一个参数是 NEW 捆绑包的路径,该捆绑包将在运行中创建和使用。


' will result in something like:
' <link href="/styles/onthefly?v=tNdHeAW5fTG_oge_eQoH0xgkG9tvARsxlz864XQUBBk1" rel="stylesheet" />


' Will result in something like:
' <link href="/scripts/onthefly?v=tNdHeAW5fTG_oge_eQoH0xgkG9tvARsxlz864XQUBBk1" rel="stylesheet" />