在第75行,if语句应打印出“不够好”的奶牛或告诉用户一切正常。但相反,它会永久地尝试打印Bad Cows。
Console.WriteLine("How many cows are in your herd?");
int CowNum = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
int Temp;
double TempD;
string TempS;
int MinimumVal = 6;
int MDIR = 4;
string[] BadList = new string[CowNum];
int[] Counter = new int[CowNum];
double[] Total = new double[CowNum];
string[] Days = new string[7] {"Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"};
string[] CowID = new string[CowNum];
double[,] CowYield = new double[CowNum, 7];
Random r = new Random();
for (int n = 0; n < CowNum; n++) // Sets Cow ID's
Console.WriteLine("What is the ID of Cow: " + (n + 1) + "?" );
TempS = (Console.ReadLine());
CowID[n] = TempS;
for (int n = 0; n < CowNum; n++) // Sets the Yield of each cow to a certin day
for (int x = 0; x < Days.GetLength(0); x++)
Console.WriteLine("What was the Yeild for Cow: " + CowID[n] + " on " + Days[x] + "?");
TempD = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
CowYield[n, x] = TempD;
if (TempD < MinimumVal)
Counter[n] = Counter[n] + 1;
//Console.WriteLine("What was the Yeild for Cow: " + CowID[n] + " on " + Days[x] + "?"); //Randomly Generated 'Saves Time'
//Temp = r.Next(0, 20);
//CowYield[n, x] = Temp;
for (int n = 0; n < CowNum; n++)
for (int x = 0; x < Days.GetLength(0); x++)
Total[n] = Total[n] + CowYield[n, x];
for (int n = 0; n < CowNum; n++)
if (Counter[n] > MDIR)
BadList[n] = CowID[n];
Console.WriteLine("asd" + BadList[n]);
int index = Array.IndexOf(Total, Total.Max()); // Gets index of Highest producing cow
TempS = CowID[index];
Console.WriteLine("\nThe Highest producing cow is Cow: " + TempS + ". with a whopping " + Total[index] + "L of Milk!\n");
if (BadList.GetLength(0) > 0)
for (int n = 0; n < BadList.GetLength(0); n++)
Console.WriteLine("None of your cows had less than 6L of milk for four or more days in a row!");
答案 0 :(得分:0)
简而言之,您的代码失败了 (为了方便我们所有人,继续简化)
string[] thing = new string[200]
if (thing.Length>0)
{ Console.WriteLine("All wrong");}
{ Console.WriteLine("OK");}
List<String> thing = new List<String>();
//process list here, and use thing.Add(badcow)
if (thing.Count() >0 )
{ Console.WriteLine("All wrong");}
{ Console.WriteLine("OK");}