
时间:2018-04-16 07:22:10

标签: javascript thumbnails


我正在尝试使用类似于Firefox的缩略图创建我自己的新标签页版本。互联网中的大多数解决方案都建议部署服务器(例如via node.js)或使用服务(例如URL2PNG)。


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

不确定这对你的情况有多大,但它使用(非标准的,内部的)CanvasRenderingContext2D.drawWindow() API将窗口的快照渲染到中间画布,然后将其复制到目标缩小的画布元素。 / p>


  /** *
   * Given a browser window, this creates a snapshot of the content
   * and returns a canvas with the resulting snapshot of the content
   * at the thumbnail size. It has to do this through a two step process:
   * 1) Render the content at the window size to a canvas that is 2x the thumbnail size
   * 2) Downscale the canvas from (1) down to the thumbnail size
   * This is because the thumbnail size is too small to render at directly,
   * causing pages to believe the browser is a small resolution. Also,
   * at that resolution, graphical artifacts / text become very jagged.
   * It's actually better to the eye to have small blurry text than sharp
   * jagged pixels to represent text.
   * @params aWindow - the window to create a snapshot of.
   * @params aDestCanvas destination canvas to draw the final
   *   snapshot to. Can be null.
   * @param aArgs (optional) Additional named parameters:
   *   fullScale - request that a non-downscaled image be returned.
   * @return Canvas with a scaled thumbnail of the window.
  createSnapshotThumbnail(aWindow, aDestCanvas, aArgs) {
    if (Cu.isCrossProcessWrapper(aWindow)) {
      throw new Error("Do not pass cpows here.");
    let fullScale = aArgs ? aArgs.fullScale : false;
    let [contentWidth, contentHeight] = this.getContentSize(aWindow);
    let [thumbnailWidth, thumbnailHeight] = aDestCanvas ?
                                            [aDestCanvas.width, aDestCanvas.height] :

    // If the caller wants a fullscale image, set the desired thumbnail dims
    // to the dims of content and (if provided) size the incoming canvas to
    // support our results.
    if (fullScale) {
      thumbnailWidth = contentWidth;
      thumbnailHeight = contentHeight;
      if (aDestCanvas) {
        aDestCanvas.width = contentWidth;
        aDestCanvas.height = contentHeight;

    let intermediateWidth = thumbnailWidth * 2;
    let intermediateHeight = thumbnailHeight * 2;
    let skipDownscale = false;

    // If the intermediate thumbnail is larger than content dims (hiDPI
    // devices can experience this) or a full preview is requested render
    // at the final thumbnail size.
    if ((intermediateWidth >= contentWidth ||
         intermediateHeight >= contentHeight) || fullScale) {
      intermediateWidth = thumbnailWidth;
      intermediateHeight = thumbnailHeight;
      skipDownscale = true;

    // Create an intermediate surface
    let snapshotCanvas = this.createCanvas(aWindow, intermediateWidth,

    // Step 1: capture the image at the intermediate dims. For thumbnails
    // this is twice the thumbnail size, for fullScale images this is at
    // content dims.
    // Also by default, canvas does not draw the scrollbars, so no need to
    // remove the scrollbar sizes.
    let scale = Math.min(Math.max(intermediateWidth / contentWidth,
                                  intermediateHeight / contentHeight), 1);

    let snapshotCtx = snapshotCanvas.getContext("2d");;
    snapshotCtx.scale(scale, scale);
    snapshotCtx.drawWindow(aWindow, 0, 0, contentWidth, contentHeight,

    // Part 2: Downscale from our intermediate dims to the final thumbnail
    // dims and copy the result to aDestCanvas. If the caller didn't
    // provide a target canvas, create a new canvas and return it.
    let finalCanvas = aDestCanvas ||
      this.createCanvas(aWindow, thumbnailWidth, thumbnailHeight);

    let finalCtx = finalCanvas.getContext("2d");;
    if (!skipDownscale) {
      finalCtx.scale(0.5, 0.5);
    finalCtx.drawImage(snapshotCanvas, 0, 0);

    return finalCanvas;