我尝试使用了使用字符串值的guide,但它并没有帮助。我正在开发一个有8个按钮的应用程序,每个按钮都会分配一个数字,表示在CountdownVC中转换为分钟的秒数。我在点击按钮时尝试传递Int值,并在CountdownVC中将值分配给var seconds = 0
@IBAction func oneMinuteBtnPressed(_ sender: Any) {
let vc = CountdownVC()
vc.seconds = 60
performSegue(withIdentifier: "toCountdownVC", sender: self)
我想将指定的值传递给CountdownVC,使其成为var seconds = 60
import UIKit
class CountdownVC: UIViewController {
@IBOutlet weak var countdownLbl: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var startBtn: UIButton!
@IBOutlet weak var pauseBtn: UIButton!
@IBOutlet weak var resetBtn: UIButton!
// Variables
var seconds = 0 // This variable will hold the starting value of seconds. It could be any amount over 0
var timer = Timer()
var isTimerRunning = false // This will be used to make sure the only one time is created at a time.
var resumeTapped = false
override func viewDidLoad() {
pauseBtn.isEnabled = false
func runTimer() {
timer = Timer.scheduledTimer(timeInterval: 1, target: self, selector: (#selector(CountdownVC.updateTimer)), userInfo: nil, repeats: true)
isTimerRunning = true
pauseBtn.isEnabled = true
@objc func updateTimer(){
if seconds < 1 {
//TODO: Send alert to indicate "time is up!"
} else {
seconds -= 1 //This will decrement(count down) the seconds.
countdownLbl.text = timeString(time: TimeInterval(seconds)) //This will update the label
func timeString(time: TimeInterval) -> String {
let hours = Int(time) / 3600
let minutes = Int(time) / 60 % 60
let seconds = Int(time) % 60
return String(format: "%02i:%02i:%02i", hours, minutes, seconds)
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正如Quoc Nguyen指出的那样,您正在为永远不会使用的控制器分配值。
@IBAction func oneMinuteBtnPressed(_ sender: Any) {
performSegue(withIdentifier: "toCountdownVC", sender: self)
// This function is called before the segue
override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
// get a reference to the your view controller
if let nextViewController = segue.destination as? CountdownVC {
nextViewController.seconds = 60