"label":"Flow 4",
"name":"Every 15 Minutes",
"name":"Every 5 Seconds",
"name":"Renew Authentication",
"name":"Get Status",
"name":"POST Close",
"name":"POST Open",
"name":"Write to File",
"name":"Write to File",
"name":"Flag as Changing State",
"type":"file in",
"name":"Check Flag",
"name":"What's the state?",
"name":"Write to File",
"name":"Write to File",
"name":"Is Flag Set?",
"type":"file in",
"name":"No (Get Current State)",
"name":"Whats the state?",
"name":"Flag Triggered (Compare the values.)",
"func":"var CDS = global.get(\"CDS\");\nvar TDS = global.get(\"TDS\");\n\nif (CDS == TDS) {\n msg.payload = \"same\";\n } else {\n msg.payload = \"different\";\n}",
"name":"Set Global Variable",
"func":"global.set(\"CDS\", 1)",
"name":"Set Global Variable",
"func":"global.set(\"CDS\", 0)",
"name":"Set Global Variable",
"func":"global.set(\"TDS\", 0)",
"name":"Set Global Variable",
"func":"global.set(\"TDS\", 1)",
"name":"Are they the same?",
"name":"Reset Flag",
"name":"Flag as Changing State",
"func":"msg.payload.TargetDoorState = global.get(\"CDS\")\nmsg.payload.CurrentDoorState = global.get(\"CDS\")\nreturn msg;\n",
"func":"msg.payload.CurrentDoorState = global.get(\"CDS\")\nmsg.payload.TargetDoorState = global.get(\"TDS\")\nreturn msg;",
"name":"Main Garage",
"name":"Get the status every 5 seconds.",
"name":"Retrieve the flag file and check if its active.",
"name":"Write the CDS to a file.",
"name":"Get the CDS, set it to the TDS, and then feed to HomeKit.",
"name":"Compare the global variables. If they are different, the garage is moving, and if they are the same it has stopped.",
"name":"Delete the flag file, causing the check flag node to throw an error and choose the bottom route.",
"name":"Send the CDS as the CDS and TDS to HomeKit.",
"name":"Keep the TDS the same, but report the CDS to HomeKit.",
"name":"TDS = TargetDoorState",
"name":"CDS = CurrentDoorState",
"name":" 0 = Open",
"name":"1 = Closed",
"manufacturer":"Default Manufacturer",
"model":"Default Model",
"serialNo":"Default Serial Number",