Public Function SlicerSelections(Slicer_Name As String)
FblSlicerSelections = ""
Dim i As Integer
With ActiveWorkbook.SlicerCaches(Slicer_Name)
For i = 1 To .SlicerItems.Count
If .SlicerItems(i).Selected Then
SlicerSelections = SlicerSelections & " " & .SlicerItems(i).Value
End If
Next i
End With
End Function
所有数据透视表共享许多常用字段,例如主数字键。 我已经尝试创建一个单独的查询来将所有数据合并到一个表中,因此我可以使用Slicers来导航不同数据透视表中的数据,但是,因为唯一查询对于单个集合具有不同数量的寄存器主键,最终结果很混乱。
嗯,事情并没有像我想象的那么顺利。 该过程适用于静态数据库。我的意思是,我不改变原始数据集。 但是数据集必须改变,因为数据表将由查询来完成。 第一个错误,即apear是运行时错误5。 所以我研究了一下,并了解应该重置pivotcaches以便多次运行该过程。 我找到了一个代码来执行此操作,但现在我遇到以下错误:运行时错误1004 - 应用程序定义或已定义的已定义错误。
Sub Atualiza_Din()
'Dim pvtf As PivotField
Call PivotCacheReset
' Definição das variáveis de controle
Set pvtf_Dias_cen = ActiveSheet.PivotTables("TDDias").PivotFields("Número")
Set pvtf_Dias_per = ActiveSheet.PivotTables("TDDias").PivotFields("PER_Nome")
Set pvtf_Dias_ref = ActiveSheet.PivotTables("TDDias").PivotFields("REF_Nome")
Set pvtf_Dias_tpu = ActiveSheet.PivotTables("TDDias").PivotFields("TPU_Nome")
Set pvtf_Dias_upr = ActiveSheet.PivotTables("TDDias").PivotFields("UPR_Nome")
Set pvtf_Prod_cen = ActiveSheet.PivotTables("TDProd").PivotFields("Número")
Set pvtf_Prod_per = ActiveSheet.PivotTables("TDProd").PivotFields("PER_Nome")
Set pvtf_Prod_ref = ActiveSheet.PivotTables("TDProd").PivotFields("REF_Nome")
Set pvtf_Prod_tpu = ActiveSheet.PivotTables("TDProd").PivotFields("TPU_Nome")
Set pvtf_Prod_upr = ActiveSheet.PivotTables("TDProd").PivotFields("UPR_Nome")
cen = SlicerSelections("SegmentaçãodeDados_Número1") 'Identifica o cenário selecionado
per = SlicerSelections("SegmentaçãodeDados_PER_Nome1") 'Identifica o período selecionado
ref = SlicerSelections("SegmentaçãodeDados_REF_Nome1") 'Identifica a refinaria selecionada
tpu = SlicerSelections("SegmentaçãodeDados_TPU_Nome1") 'Identifica o processo selecionado
upr = SlicerSelections("SegmentaçãodeDados_UPR_Nome1") 'Identifica a unidade selecionada
'MsgBox (ref)
pvtf_Dias_cen.CurrentPage = cen
pvtf_Dias_per.CurrentPage = per
pvtf_Dias_ref.CurrentPage = ref
pvtf_Dias_tpu.CurrentPage = tpu
pvtf_Dias_upr.CurrentPage = upr
pvtf_Prod_cen.CurrentPage = cen
pvtf_Prod_per.CurrentPage = per
pvtf_Prod_ref.CurrentPage = ref
pvtf_Prod_tpu.CurrentPage = tpu
pvtf_Prod_upr.CurrentPage = upr
End Sub
Sub PivotCacheReset()
' When a data set is pivoted and then some of the underlying data is
' removed, even after a refresh old removed values can still remain in the
' pivot filter. This macro changes the properties of all pivot tables in
' the active workbook, to prevent missing items from appearing, or clear
' items that have appeared. It also resets all pivot table caches in the
' active workbook.
Dim wb As Workbook
Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
Dim iWs As Worksheet
Dim pvt As PivotTable
Dim iProtectState As Boolean
' Loop through each worksheet.
For Each iWs In wb.Worksheets
' If the worksheet is protected, unprotect it. Remember
' it was protected so that it can be re-protected later.
iProtectState = False ' Reset variable that remembers if each sheet is protected.
If iWs.ProtectContents = True Then
' Worksheet is protected.
iWs.Unprotect ' Unprotect the worksheet.
iProtectState = True ' Remember that this worksheet was protected.
End If
' Loop through each pivot table in the sheet.
For Each pvt In iWs.PivotTables
pvt.PivotCache.MissingItemsLimit = xlMissingItemsNone ' Don't allow missing items in the pivot table filters.
pvt.PivotCache.Refresh ' Reset the pivot table cache including any missing items.
Next pvt
' If the worksheet was originally protected, re-protect it.
If iProtectState = True Then iWs.Protect
Next iWs
End Sub