Java Bubble Sorting Array输出错误

时间:2018-04-14 21:07:51

标签: java arrays methods


这是我想要完成的。这是一个项目,我们在其中输入一个数字的输入文件,一个整数是竞争者的数字,下一个是他们捕获的鱼的重量(看起来像这个3 26.7(每两个数字的新行)2 2.6 ..所以等等),将它们放在一个数组中,然后以某种方式对它们进行排序。现在,我将发布整个代码,但这只是最后一种方法,“排序”,我现在遇到了困难。

该方法是一种气泡分选方法。我接近它的方式是,它将采用第一个数组,将其与第二个数组进行比较以查看它是否小于,然后交换两个竞争者数字,如果逻辑是正确的,以便我可以打印竞争对手的数字主要方法,并为竞争对手调用适当的权重(之前在if / then循环中编译)。注意,我目前没有尝试打印竞争对手的重量。


import java.util.Scanner;
public class Project8
public static void main(String[] args)
    throws FileNotFoundException
        Scanner inF = new Scanner(new File("data7.txt"));
        PrintWriter outF = new PrintWriter(new File("pro7out.txt"));
        int [] arrayNum = new int[7];
        int [] sortedNum = new int[7];
        double [] arrayWeight = new double[7];
        int place, firstplace, lastplace;
        double weight;
        String line;
        String entries[];
        outF.printf("My name - Project 7: 4/10/18%nResults of the Rocking JR Fishing Contest%n");
        outF.printf("Competitor      Total%n  Number        Weight%n");
            for (int m = 0; m < 7; m++)
                    arrayNum[m] = m + 1;
            while (inF.hasNextLine())
                    line = inF.nextLine();
                    entries = line.split(" +");
                    place = Integer.parseInt(entries[0]);
                    weight = Double.parseDouble(entries[1]);
                    if (place == 1)
                        arrayWeight[0] += weight;
                    else if (place == 2)
                        arrayWeight[1] += weight;
                    else if (place == 3)
                        arrayWeight[2] += weight;
                    else if (place == 4)
                        arrayWeight[3] += weight;
                    else if (place == 5)
                        arrayWeight[4] += weight;
                    else if (place == 6)
                        arrayWeight[5] += weight;
                        arrayWeight[6] += weight;    
            for (int k = 0; k < 7; k++)
                outF.printf("%5d %15.2f%n", arrayNum[k], arrayWeight[k]);
        firstplace = first(arrayNum, arrayWeight);
        lastplace = last(arrayNum, arrayWeight);
        sortedNum = sort(arrayNum, arrayWeight);  
        outF.printf(" Winner is%n    %d           %3.2f%n", firstplace, arrayWeight[firstplace-1]);
        outF.printf(" Not as successful%n    %d            %3.2f%n", lastplace, arrayWeight[lastplace-1]);
            for (int k = 0; k < 7; k++)
                outF.printf("%d", sortedNum[k]);
        outF.printf(" Contest Over%n");
public static int first(int number[], double weight[])
        int firstplace=0;
        double max=0;
        for (int k = 0; k < 7; k++)
                if (weight[k] > max)
                        max = weight[k];
                        firstplace = number[k];
        return firstplace;
public static int last(int number[], double weight[])
        int lastplace=0;
        double minimum=weight[0];
        for (int k = 0; k < 7; k++)
                if (weight[k] < minimum)
                        minimum = weight[k];
                        lastplace = number[k];
        return lastplace;
public static int[] sort(int number[], double weight[])
    int n = number.length;
    int tempNum = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) 
            for (int j = 1; j < (n-1); j++) 
                    if (weight[j - 1] < weight[j]) 
                            tempNum = number[j - 1];
                            number[j - 1] = number[j];
                            number[j] = tempNum;   
    return number;    


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