我在docker上运行centos7上的气流1.8,我的网络服务器没有进入浏览器。我通过pip2.7安装了气流。 Flower ui显示正常,initdb运行连接到postgres和redis后端,使用CeleryExecutor,在ECS上运行,我以root身份运行。 Web服务器正通过气流网络服务器部署到默认8080.
ERROR - [0 / 0] some workers seem to have died and gunicorndid not restart them as expected
[2018-04-13 20:05:01,161] {db.py:287} INFO - Creating tables
INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Context impl PostgresqlImpl.
INFO [alembic.runtime.migration] Will assume transactional DDL.
[2018-04-13 20:05:02,358] {__init__.py:57} INFO - Using executor CeleryExecutor
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/flask/exthook.py:71: ExtDeprecationWarning: Importing flask.ext.cache is deprecated, use flask_cache instead.
.format(x=modname), ExtDeprecationWarning
____________ _____________
____ |__( )_________ __/__ /________ __
____ /| |_ /__ ___/_ /_ __ /_ __ \_ | /| / /
___ ___ | / _ / _ __/ _ / / /_/ /_ |/ |/ /
_/_/ |_/_/ /_/ /_/ /_/ \____/____/|__/
[2018-04-13 20:05:03,363] [1] {models.py:167} INFO - Filling up the DagBag from /usr/local/airflow/dags
[2018-04-13 20:05:04,488] {__init__.py:57} INFO - Using executor CeleryExecutor
[2018-04-13 20:05:04 +0000] [18] [INFO] Starting gunicorn 19.3.0
[2018-04-13 20:05:04 +0000] [18] [INFO] Listening at: (18)
[2018-04-13 20:05:04 +0000] [18] [INFO] Using worker: sync
[2018-04-13 20:05:04 +0000] [24] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 24
[2018-04-13 20:05:05 +0000] [25] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 25
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/flask/exthook.py:71: ExtDeprecationWarning: Importing flask.ext.cache is deprecated, use flask_cache instead.
.format(x=modname), ExtDeprecationWarning
[2018-04-13 20:05:05 +0000] [26] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 26
[2018-04-13 20:05:05 +0000] [27] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 27
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/flask/exthook.py:71: ExtDeprecationWarning: Importing flask.ext.cache is deprecated, use flask_cache instead.
.format(x=modname), ExtDeprecationWarning
Running the Gunicorn Server with:
Workers: 4 sync
Timeout: 120
Logfiles: - -
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/flask/exthook.py:71: ExtDeprecationWarning: Importing flask.ext.cache is deprecated, use flask_cache instead.
.format(x=modname), ExtDeprecationWarning
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/flask/exthook.py:71: ExtDeprecationWarning: Importing flask.ext.cache is deprecated, use flask_cache instead.
.format(x=modname), ExtDeprecationWarning
[2018-04-13 20:05:06,461] [24] {models.py:167} INFO - Filling up the DagBag from /usr/local/airflow/dags
[2018-04-13 20:05:07,873] [1] {cli.py:723} ERROR - [0 / 0] some workers seem to have died and gunicorndid not restart them as expected
[2018-04-13 20:05:08,271] [27] {models.py:167} INFO - Filling up the DagBag from /usr/local/airflow/dags
[2018-04-13 20:05:08,271] [25] {models.py:167} INFO - Filling up the DagBag from /usr/local/airflow/dags
[2018-04-13 20:05:08,271] [26] {models.py:167} INFO - Filling up the DagBag from /usr/local/airflow/dags
[2018-04-13 20:05:09 +0000] [25] [INFO] Parent changed, shutting down: <Worker 25>
[2018-04-13 20:05:09 +0000] [25] [INFO] Worker exiting (pid: 25)
[2018-04-13 20:05:09 +0000] [26] [INFO] Parent changed, shutting down: <Worker 26>
[2018-04-13 20:05:09 +0000] [26] [INFO] Worker exiting (pid: 26)
[2018-04-13 20:05:09 +0000] [27] [INFO] Parent changed, shutting down: <Worker 27>
[2018-04-13 20:05:09 +0000] [27] [INFO] Worker exiting (pid: 27)
airflow (1.8.0)
alembic (0.8.10)
amqp (2.2.2)
asn1crypto (0.24.0)
awscli (1.15.4)
Babel (2.5.3)
backports-abc (0.5)
billiard (
boto3 (1.7.4)
botocore (1.10.4)
celery (4.0.2)
certifi (2018.1.18)
cffi (1.11.5)
chardet (3.0.4)
click (6.7)
colorama (0.3.7)
croniter (0.3.20)
cryptography (2.2.2)
Cython (0.28.2)
dill (
docutils (0.14)
enum34 (1.1.6)
Flask (0.11.1)
Flask-Admin (1.4.1)
Flask-Cache (0.13.1)
Flask-Login (0.2.11)
flask-swagger (0.2.13)
Flask-WTF (0.12)
flower (0.9.2)
funcsigs (1.0.0)
future (0.15.2)
futures (3.2.0)
gitdb2 (2.0.3)
GitPython (2.1.9)
gunicorn (19.3.0)
idna (2.6)
ipaddress (1.0.19)
itsdangerous (0.24)
Jinja2 (2.8.1)
jmespath (0.9.3)
kombu (4.1.0)
lockfile (0.12.2)
lxml (3.8.0)
Mako (1.0.7)
Markdown (2.6.11)
MarkupSafe (1.0)
ndg-httpsclient (0.4.4)
numpy (1.14.2)
ordereddict (1.1)
pandas (0.22.0)
pip (9.0.3)
psutil (4.4.2)
psycopg2-binary (2.7.4)
pyasn1 (0.4.2)
pycparser (2.18)
Pygments (2.2.0)
pyOpenSSL (17.5.0)
python-daemon (2.1.2)
python-dateutil (2.7.2)
python-editor (1.0.3)
python-nvd3 (0.14.2)
python-slugify (1.1.4)
pytz (2018.4)
PyYAML (3.12)
redis (2.10.6)
requests (2.18.4)
rsa (3.4.2)
s3transfer (0.1.13)
setproctitle (1.1.10)
setuptools (39.0.1)
singledispatch (
six (1.11.0)
smmap2 (2.0.3)
SQLAlchemy (1.2.6)
tabulate (0.7.7)
thrift (0.9.3)
tornado (5.0.2)
Unidecode (1.0.22)
urllib3 (1.22)
vine (1.1.4)
Werkzeug (0.14.1)
wheel (0.31.0)
WTForms (2.1)
zope.deprecation (4.3.0)
更新 我从源码安装,现在从网络服务器
收到此错误[2018-04-14 00:20:48,594] {{cli.py:718}} ERROR - [0 / 0] some workers seem to have died and gunicorndid not restart them as expected
[2018-04-14 00:20:50,396] {{models.py:197}} INFO - Filling up the DagBag from /usr/local/airflow/dags
[2018-04-14 00:20:50,396] {{models.py:197}} INFO - Filling up the DagBag from /usr/local/airflow/dags
[2018-04-14 00:20:50,396] {{models.py:197}} INFO - Filling up the DagBag from /usr/local/airflow/dags
[2018-04-14 00:24:18,135] {{cli.py:725}} ERROR - No response from gunicorn master within 120 seconds
[2018-04-14 00:24:23,032] {{cli.py:726}} ERROR - Shutting down webserver
好吧,这以某种方式固定自己。不知道是怎么回事,因为我做了很多事情,但安装了带有greenlet,eventlet,gevent的gunicorn可能有所帮助,它可能是我的入口点上的某些东西,或许在airflow webserver
之后执行airflow initdb
答案 0 :(得分:0)
我也看到我的工作人员死于MySQL会话/连接变坏。 EG SQLAlchemy的例外情况是由于并发锁定而导致事务失败并且需要重试,Airflow模型没有任何逻辑,或InvalidRequestError: This session is in 'prepared' state; no further SQL can be emitted within this transaction.
我在启动时遇到两次错误的原因是由于AWS中的安全组导致无法建立与数据库的连接,而且当我们的3000多个dag需要很长时间才能添加到DAG Bag时工作人员的超时时间被绊倒,他们在设置代码完成之前将自己关闭。我很想知道这个设置代码是否可以改进或移出工作人员。