JQuery AJAX提交按钮有时不起作用

时间:2011-02-13 00:36:11

标签: jquery ajax form-submit


我正在使用链接作为JQuery AJAX提交按钮,有时它会在点击时触发,有时则不会触发。火灾失败是间歇性的。它似乎是在提交AJAX表单后发生但返回时显示的错误。


谢谢, -Northk

// make the comment form submit link behave as if it's a submit button.
// this code is inside $(document).ready.  Corresponding HTML looks like:
//      <div class="box round-box darker comment-message-box">
//          <p class="comment-message"></p>
//      </div>    
// <a href="#" id="comment-button" class="action-button"><small>Submit</small></a>      
$(function() {
    $('#comment-button').click(function(e) {
        e.preventDefault(); // prevent the browser from "jumping" on the page when it comes back from AJAX. 
        $('.comment-message-box').hide(); // clear any leftover errors that may be showing on the form    


$(function() {
        url: 'http://www.mywebsite.com',
        success: function(data) {
            if (data.match(/<title>Error<\/title>/)) {
                //grab the error message
                var error = $(data).find('ul li:first').text();

                // if they didn't enter any comment, this is the error we'll get back from the server
                if (error == 'The comment field is required')
                    $('.comment-message').replaceWith('<p class="comment-message mtm mbm">Please enter a comment.</p>');
                // else some other kind of error occurred
                    $('.comment-message').replaceWith('<p class="comment-message mtm mbm">I&rsquo;m sorry! for some reason the comment form isn&rsquo;t working at this time. Please <a href="/contact">contact me</a> for help.</p>');                      
            else {
                 // else no error, fix up a success message
                $('.comment-message').replaceWith('<p class="comment-message mtm mbm">Thanks for your comment!</p>');
                // display the return message box
        dataType: 'html'

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