$("#validateThresholdForm").on("click", function () {
var table = $("#thresholdAlertTable");
var firstTd = $("td:first", table);
var secondTd = firstTd.next();
var thirdTd = secondTd.next();
var fourthTd = thirdTd.next();
if (firstTd.text() == $("#catList").val() &&
secondTd.text() == $("#thType").val() &&
thirdTd.text() == $("#thFrequency").val() &&
fourthTd.text() == $("#thEmail").val())
alert("Error: You're trying to add the same entry");
errorPlacement: function errorPlacement(error, element) { /*element.after(error);*/
if ($("#thresholdForm").valid()) {
var emails = $("#thEmail").val();
if (validateDateRange() && validateMultipleEmailsCommaSeparated(emails)
&& validateSentimentScoreRange()
&& validateVolume()) {
} else {
答案 0 :(得分:0)
var table = $("#thresholdAlertTable");
var formValuesArray = [
var exists = false;
$("tr", table).each(function(rowIndex, trDomElement) {
exists = false;
$("tr", $(trDomElement)).each(function(cellIndex, tdDomElement) {
// We are on cell "cellIndex" of row "rowIndex", check value with correspondent input of form
exists = exists && (formValuesArray[cellIndex] == $(tDomElement).text();
if (!exists) {
// That row doesn't contain the element, we can break the bucle
// return false to break the "each" function
return false;
if (exists) {
// That row contains the same element, break the bucle
// return false to break the "each" function
return false;
// at the end of code, exists variable contains the value if there's another element with the same values