
时间:2018-04-12 20:53:20

标签: vba outlook


Sub SaveAttachmenttoSharePoint()

    Dim myItems, myItem, myAttachments, myAttachment As Object
    Dim myOrt As String
    Dim myOlApp As New Outlook.Application
    Dim myOlExp As Outlook.Explorer
    Dim myOlSel As Outlook.Selection
    Dim myName As String

    'Ask for destination folder
    myOrt = "\\https://hub.cscinfo.com/teams/Lms/LmsCompliance/Canada%20ARR/"
    On Error Resume Next

    'Work on selected items
    Set myOlExp = myOlApp.ActiveExplorer
    Set myOlSel = myOlExp.Selection

    'For all items do...
    For Each myItem In myOlSel        
        'Point to attachments
        Set myAttachments = myItem.Attachments

        'If there are some...
        If myAttachments.Count > 0 Then
         'For all attachments do...
            For i = 1 To myAttachments.Count

                'Save them to destination
                myName = myAttachments(i).DisplayName
                myName = Replace(myName, "&", "_")
                myName = Replace(myName, "/", "-")
                myName = Replace(myName, "\", "_")
                myName = Replace(myName, ":", "_")
                myName = Replace(myName, "?", "_")
                myName = Replace(myName, Chr(34), "_")
                myName = Replace(myName, "<", "_")
                myName = Replace(myName, ">", "_")
                myName = Replace(myName, "|", "_")
                myAttachments(i).SaveAsFile myOrt & _
            Next i
        End If            

    'Release variables
    Set myItems = Nothing
    Set myItem = Nothing
    Set myAttachments = Nothing
    Set myAttachment = Nothing
    Set myOlApp = Nothing
    Set myOlExp = Nothing
    Set myOlSel = Nothing 
End Sub

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