//here is the core method
public static bool ImportToSql(string targetConnectionString, IEnumerable<SyncedItem> accessFileItems)
var completelyOk = true;
using (var con = new SqlConnection(targetConnectionString))
foreach (var a in accessFileItems)
Log.WriteOnToday($"Syncing file: {a.Filename} ...");
var query = "some query here ...";
var retries = -1;
while (++retries <= 10)
if(retries > 0)
Log.WriteOnToday($"Retrying to sync the file: \"{a.Filename}\" ({retries}/{10}) ...");
var r = ...;//do something here returning bool result
completelyOk &= r;
if (r)
} else if(retries == 10)
Log.WriteOnToday($"FAILED to synce the file \"{a.Filename}\" after {10} retries");
return completelyOk;
//here is another method, actually the test data is grouped in 2 groups
//corresponding to 2 Tasks
public static async Task<bool> ParallelImportToSql(string targetConnectionString, IEnumerable<SyncedItem> accessFileItems)
IEnumerable<Task<bool>> tasks = accessFileItems.Select((e, i) => new { e, i })
.GroupBy(e => e.i % 2, (key,items) => items.Select(e => e.e))
.Select(g => Task.Run<bool>(() => ImportToSql(targetConnectionString, g)));
return (await Task.WhenAll(tasks)).All(e => e);
来记录“Retrying ...”,我希望应该总是调用它(根据我的测试,r
4/12/2018 5:28:05 PM - HO-IT1 >> Syncing file: \\\DataKH_311\11_04_2018\cust.mdb ...
4/12/2018 5:29:05 PM - HO-IT1 >> Retrying to sync the file: "\\\DataKH_311\11_04_2018\cust.mdb" (1/10) ...
4/12/2018 5:29:05 PM - HO-IT1 >> Retrying to sync the file: "\\\DataKH_311\SVR\cust.mdb" (1/10) ...
4/12/2018 5:30:45 PM - HO-IT1 >> Retrying to sync the file: "\\\DataKH_311\11_04_2018\cust.mdb" (2/10) ...
4/12/2018 5:32:25 PM - HO-IT1 >> Retrying to sync the file: "\\\DataKH_311\11_04_2018\cust.mdb" (3/10) ...
4/12/2018 5:32:25 PM - HO-IT1 >> Retrying to sync the file: "\\\DataKH_311\SVR\cust.mdb" (3/10) ...
4/12/2018 5:34:05 PM - HO-IT1 >> Retrying to sync the file: "\\\DataKH_311\SVR\cust.mdb" (4/10) ...
4/12/2018 5:34:05 PM - HO-IT1 >> Retrying to sync the file: "\\\DataKH_311\11_04_2018\cust.mdb" (4/10) ...
4/12/2018 5:35:45 PM - HO-IT1 >> Retrying to sync the file: "\\\DataKH_311\SVR\cust.mdb" (5/10) ...
4/12/2018 5:35:45 PM - HO-IT1 >> Retrying to sync the file: "\\\DataKH_311\11_04_2018\cust.mdb" (5/10) ...
4/12/2018 5:37:25 PM - HO-IT1 >> Retrying to sync the file: "\\\DataKH_311\SVR\cust.mdb" (6/10) ...
4/12/2018 5:37:26 PM - HO-IT1 >> Retrying to sync the file: "\\\DataKH_311\11_04_2018\cust.mdb" (6/10) ...
4/12/2018 5:39:06 PM - HO-IT1 >> Retrying to sync the file: "\\\DataKH_311\SVR\cust.mdb" (7/10) ...
4/12/2018 5:39:06 PM - HO-IT1 >> Retrying to sync the file: "\\\DataKH_311\11_04_2018\cust.mdb" (7/10) ...
4/12/2018 5:40:46 PM - HO-IT1 >> Retrying to sync the file: "\\\DataKH_311\SVR\cust.mdb" (8/10) ...
4/12/2018 5:40:46 PM - HO-IT1 >> Retrying to sync the file: "\\\DataKH_311\11_04_2018\cust.mdb" (8/10) ...
4/12/2018 5:42:26 PM - HO-IT1 >> Retrying to sync the file: "\\\DataKH_311\SVR\cust.mdb" (9/10) ...
4/12/2018 5:42:26 PM - HO-IT1 >> Retrying to sync the file: "\\\DataKH_311\11_04_2018\cust.mdb" (9/10) ...
4/12/2018 5:44:06 PM - HO-IT1 >> Retrying to sync the file: "\\\DataKH_311\SVR\cust.mdb" (10/10) ...
4/12/2018 5:44:06 PM - HO-IT1 >> Retrying to sync the file: "\\\DataKH_311\11_04_2018\cust.mdb" (10/10) ...
4/12/2018 5:44:46 PM - HO-IT1 >> FAILED to synce the file "\\\DataKH_311\SVR\cust.mdb" after 10 retries
4/12/2018 5:44:46 PM - HO-IT1 >> FAILED to synce the file "\\\DataKH_311\11_04_2018\cust.mdb" after 10 retries
public static class Log
public static string LastWrittenLogFileName { get; private set; }
public static void WriteOnToday(string message, bool prependedWithDate = true, bool includeMachineInfo = true, string logFilePrefix = "log_")
Write(message, prependedWithDate, includeMachineInfo, string.Format(@"Logs\{0}{1:ddMMyyyy}.txt", logFilePrefix, DateTime.Now));
public static void Write(string message, bool prependedWithDate = true, bool includeMachineInfo = true, string filename = "log.txt")
//check for relative path in a simple way
if (Path.GetPathRoot(filename).Length < 3)
if (_currentDirectory == null)
_currentDirectory = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainModule.FileName);
filename = System.IO.Path.Combine(_currentDirectory, filename);
LastWrittenLogFileName = filename;
var dateText = "";
var machineInfo = "";
if (prependedWithDate) dateText = DateTime.Now + " - ";
if (includeMachineInfo) machineInfo = Environment.MachineName + " >> ";
message = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}", dateText, machineInfo, message);
var dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(filename);
if (!Directory.Exists(dir))
using (var sw = File.AppendText(filename))