我正在尝试查找具有相同单元格值(exp value1)的所有行,因此例如我想搜索: row1 cell1value cell2value ... value1 row2 ......................... value2 row3 ......................... value3 row4 ......................... value1
package questbarreader;
import org.apache.poi.openxml4j.exceptions.InvalidFormatException;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.*;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Iterator;
import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils;
public class QuestBarReader {
public static String folder = "D:\\Test";
public static String extension = "";
//THIS is the method i use to get row that has specific cell value
public static int findRow(Sheet sheet, String cellContent) {
for (Row row : sheet) {
for (Cell cell : row) {
if (cell.getCellType() == Cell.CELL_TYPE_STRING) {
if(cell.getRichStringCellValue().getString().trim().contains(cellContent)) {
return row.getRowNum();
return 0;
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, InvalidFormatException {
Iterator it = FileUtils.iterateFiles(new File(folder), null, false);
String fileName = ((File) it.next()).getName();
int i = fileName.lastIndexOf('.');
if(i>0){extension = fileName.substring(i+1);}
if((fileName.startsWith("sal"))&& extension.equals("xls")){
String path = (folder + "\\" + fileName);
Workbook workbook = WorkbookFactory.create(new File(path));
Sheet sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(0);
int totalRows = sheet.getLastRowNum();
int qUltraEnergy = findRow(sheet, "Q ULTRA ENERGY");
String qUltraEnergyValue = sheet.getRow(qUltraEnergy).getCell(13).getStringCellValue();
String delims = "[x]+";
String[] tokens = qUltraEnergyValue.split(delims);
double kom = Double.valueOf(tokens[0]);
答案 0 :(得分:0)
public static List<Integer> findRows(Sheet sheet, String cellContent) {
List<Integer> matchedRows = new ArrayList<>();
for (Row row : sheet) {
for (Cell cell : row) {
if (cell.getCellType() == Cell.CELL_TYPE_STRING) {
if(cell.getRichStringCellValue().getString().trim().contains(cellContent)) {
// return row.getRowNum(); Instead of this...
matchedRows.add(row.getRowNum()); // Add the row to the list of matches
return matchedRows; // will be empty if no matches are found