
时间:2018-04-12 11:09:44

标签: c# jquery asp.net-core-mvc-2.0


[Table("Question", Schema = "trs")]
public class Question

    public int QuestionId { get; set; }

    public int TranTypeId { get; set; }


    public int CompanyId { get; set; }

    public string Text { get; set; }

    public bool IsActive { get; set; }

    public int QTypeId { get; set; }

    public DateTime CreatedDate { get; set; }
    public string CreatedUserId { get; set; }
    public DateTime UpdateDate { get; set; }
    public string UpdateUserId { get; set; }

    public Company Company { get; set; }

    public QuestionType QuestionType { get; set; }

    public TranType TranType { get; set; }

    public ICollection<Answer> Answer { get; set; }

    public ICollection<Grading> Grading { get; set; }


[Authorize(Roles = "Admin")]
public class QuestionController : Controller
    readonly IQuestionRepository questionRepository;
    readonly ICompanyRepository companyRepository;

    public QuestionController(IQuestionRepository qRepository, ICompanyRepository cpnRepository)

        questionRepository = qRepository;
        companyRepository = cpnRepository;

    public ActionResult Save([FromBody] List<Question> qView)
        return View(qView);


 public ActionResult Save(List<Question> qView)
        return View(qView);

在这两种情况下我都有问题;在第一个选项中(使用[FromBody])qView为null;在选项2中(没有[FromBody])qView不为null但List为空(Count == 0)。


function Send()
    var qCounter = parseInt($('#quesCounter').val());
    var listQuestion = [];
    var qView = {};
    qView.Questions = listQuestion;
    for (i = 1; i <= qCounter; i++)
        var question = {};
        var listAnswer = [];
        question.Answers = listAnswer;

        var anCounter = parseInt($('#qtCounter' + i).val());
        var qText = $('#qtText' + i).val();
        var qType = $('#qType' + i).val();

        question["Text"] = qText;
        question["QTypeId"] = qType;

       for (j = 1; j <= anCounter; j++)
            var answer = {};

            var aText = $('#anText' + i.toString() + j.toString()).val();
            var aCorrect = "";

            if ($('#anCorrect' + i.toString() + j.toString()).prop('checked')) {
                aCorrect = "yes";
            else {
                aCorrect = "no";
            answer["Text"] = aText;
            answer["IsCorrect"] = aCorrect;

        type: "POST",
        url: "Save", // the method we are calling
        contentType: "application/json",
        data: JSON.stringify(qView),
        //data: JSON.stringify({ 'qView': qView }),
        dataType: "json",
        success: function (result) {
            alert('Yay! It worked!');
            // Or if you are returning something
            alert('I returned... ' + result.WhateverIsReturning);
        error: function (result) {
            alert('Oh no :(');



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


 function Send()
    var qCounter = parseInt($('#quesCounter').val());
    var listQuestion = [];

    for (i = 1; i <= qCounter; i++)
        var question = {};
        var listAnswer = [];
        question.Answer = listAnswer; //Second problem was here because I was calling here the array Answers when the List<Answer> property on the server side was called Answer.

        var anCounter = parseInt($('#qtCounter' + i).val());
        var qText = $('#qtText' + i).val();
        var qType = $('#qType' + i).val();

        question["Text"] = qText;
        question["QTypeId"] = parseInt(qType);// first problem was here because the property on the Server side was integer and I was sending string.

       for (j = 1; j <= anCounter; j++)
            var answer = {};

            var aText = $('#anText' + i.toString() + j.toString()).val();
            var aCorrect = "";

            if ($('#anCorrect' + i.toString() + j.toString()).prop('checked')) {
                aCorrect = 1; //third problem was here because true/yes was not recognize so I had to change to 1/0;.
            else {
                aCorrect = 0; //same as above (third problem).
            answer["Text"] = aText;
            answer["IsCorrect"] = aCorrect;

        type: "POST",
        url: "Save", // the method we are calling
        contentType: "application/json",
        data: JSON.stringify(listQuestion),
        success: function (result) {
        error: function (result) {
            alert('Something failed');

答案 1 :(得分:0)

您是将 contentType 设置为application/json,然后在发送之前字符串化您的数据?你刚才自相矛盾。



  1. 只要您在客户端构建的JavaScript对象/ JSON与控制器参数中的模型匹配,您就不需要指定contentType[FromBody] - 保持简单。 MVC非常聪明,可以为您进行绑定。您甚至不需要在C#模型中使用小写来表示属性。您甚至可以使用true/false作为布尔值,只要C#模型中的匹配属性定义为bool

  2. 请勿在您的视图/页面上使用您的域/数据模型。创建一个单独的模型(称为视图模型),并在该视图/页面上仅显示您需要显示/使用的内容。您不希望将数据库中的内容公开给全世界。

  3. 请在JavaScript中使用 camelCase 获取变量和函数。你宣布function Send()qView.Questions =question.Answers.push(answer);的方式让我发疯了:p。

  4. 代码示例

        type: 'POST',
        // Use HTML helper to generate the link instead of hardcode.
        // HTML helper will take care the host, port, and more for you.
        url: '@Url.Action("save", "question", new { area = "" })',
        // You usually don't need to specify the contentType.
        // The default 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' works well for 
        // JSON objects.
        //contentType: "application/json",
        // You don't need to stringify the data
        data: { qView: qView },
        //data: JSON.stringify({ 'qView': qView }),
        dataType: "json",
        success: function (result) {
            alert('Yay! It worked!');
            // Or if you are returning something
            alert('I returned... ' + result.WhateverIsReturning);
        error: function (result) {
            alert('Oh no :(');
    // I would use .done() here instead of success and error() but 
    // this is just personal taste.