// Here we create the component.
private createComponentFromRaw(template: string = `asdfg`) {
// Now we create a new component. It has that template, and we can even give it data.
const tmpCmp = Component({ template : `<p>hello</p>`, })(class {
// the class is anonymous. But it's a quite regular angular class. You could add @Inputs,
// @Outputs, inject stuff etc.
val:number = 10;
alert1() {
ngOnInit() { /* do stuff here in the dynamic component */}
// Now, also create a dynamic module.
const tmpModule = NgModule({
declarations: [tmpCmp, HelloComponent],
imports: [FormsModule, SliderModule],
entryComponents: [tmpCmp]
// providers: [] - e.g. if your dynamic component needs any service, provide it here.
})(class {});
// Now compile this module and component, and inject it into that #vc in your current component template.
.then((factories) => {
const f = factories.componentFactories[0];
this.cmpRef = f.create(this.injector, [], null, this.moduleRef);
this.cmpRef.instance.name = 'my-dynamic-component';
我面临的问题是,我在进口数组中使用prime-ng中的 SliderModule ,这个组件唯一呈现的是仅滑块和任何其他html等没有渲染,无论我是否在模板中调用prime-ng组件,都会发生这种情况,您可以在模板字符串中看到。