
时间:2018-04-11 20:10:21

标签: c# speech-recognition text-to-speech microsoft-speech-api phoneme

我一直在做一些工作,通过SpLexicon Interface通过AddPronunciation SAPI 5.4(我认为这是唯一的方法)通过{{3}向Windows语音字典添加单词和发音功能,或者在我的情况下:

// Initialize SpLexicon instance
SpLexicon lex = new SpLexicon();

// Specify the word to add to the speech dictionary
string myWord = "father";

// Set the language ID (US English)
int langid = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US").LCID;

// Specify the word's part of speech
SpeechPartOfSpeech mySpeechPart = SpeechPartOfSpeech.SPSNoun;

// Specify the word's pronunciation in SAPI phone symbols
string myPronunciation = "f aa dh er";

// Call actual speech API method for adding word data to the speech dictionary
lex.AddPronunciation(myWord, langid, mySpeechPart, myPronunciation);

我引用American English Phoneme Table来确定要使用的SAPI符号。我注意到使用强调标记" 1"或" 2"以及音节标记" - "似乎不会影响TTS发音。 这些修饰符仅用于XML输入,还是我可能做错了?

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