在R barplot中设置可变条宽度

时间:2018-04-11 15:08:48

标签: r width bar-chart

我希望能够改变条形图的条形宽度,其中连续变量针对两个因素绘制。并非所有因子组合都包含值,我希望它们不会被绘制或具有更小的条宽。这是为了避免在图中浪费空间。 This is the kind of chart I am making它有点叠加在透明条上。





group1=c(rep(1, times=30), rep(rep(c(1,2), each = 5), times=2))

group2=rep(c(c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E")), each=10)

cbind(mydata, group1, group2)

xbar=with(mydata, tapply(y, list(group1, group2), mean, na.rm=TRUE))    

barplot(xbar, beside = TRUE)

legend("topleft", legend=c("Group 1", "Group 2"),
       text.col=c("black", "gray50"))


Barplot showing empty space for empty factor combination

这些是我尝试过的宽度 `width = 0.5


w=c(width, 0, width, 0, width, 0, width, width, width, width)  

barplot(xbar, beside=TRUE, width=w, xlim=xlim)`

我认为这只使用向量的前两个值。 Trying to vary width as a vector

我也尝试过它作为一个数据帧(即使文档要求一个向量) - 这给出了与上面的向量尝试相同的结果

single=c(width, 0)

double=c(width, width)

w=cbind(single, single, single, double, double)

barplot(xbar, beside=TRUE, width=w, xlim=xlim)

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


cbind(mydata, group1, group2) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(group2, y, fill=factor(group1))) + 
    stat_summary(geom = "bar", fun.y = "mean", position = position_dodge(0.9)) +
    stat_summary(fun.data = mean_cl_normal, geom = "errorbar",position = position_dodge(0.9)) + 
    geom_point(aes(shape=factor(group1)),position = position_dodge(0.9))

enter image description here


# data
df <- cbind(mydata, group1, group2)
xbar=with(df, tapply(y, list(group1, group2), mean, na.rm=TRUE))    

# barplot
d <- xbar
d[2,1:3] <- d[1,1:3]
h <- barplot(d, beside=T, col=c(rep("darkgrey",7),"lightgrey","darkgrey","lightgrey"), border = NA, ylim = c(-3,3))

# get x positions
xpos <- h[2,]-diff(h)/2
xpos[4:5] <- h[,4]
xpos <- c(xpos, h[,5])
[1]  2.0  5.0  8.0 10.5 11.5 13.5 14.5

# add points
df$xpos <- NA
df$xpos[df$group2 == "A"] <- xpos[1]
df$xpos[df$group2 == "B"] <- xpos[2]
df$xpos[df$group2 == "C"] <- xpos[3]
df$xpos[df$group2 == "D" & df$group1 == 1 ] <- xpos[4]
df$xpos[df$group2 == "D" & df$group1 == 2 ] <- xpos[5]
df$xpos[df$group2 == "E" & df$group1 == 1 ] <- xpos[6]
df$xpos[df$group2 == "E" & df$group1 == 2 ] <- xpos[7]

points(df$xpos, df$y, pch=df$group1)

# add sd bars 
xsd=with(mydata, tapply(y, list(group1, group2), sd, na.rm=TRUE))   
xsd <- c(xsd[1,], xsd[2,4:5])
xsd <- xsd[order(names(xsd))]

arrows(x0 = xpos, x1 = xpos, y0 = c(xbar)[!is.na(c(xbar))]-xsd, y1 = c(xbar)[!is.na(c(xbar))]+xsd,angle=90,code=3,length=0.1)

enter image description here