ASP.NET MVC - ViewModel嵌套循环

时间:2018-04-10 22:43:50

标签: c# razor

我是ASP.NET MVC的新手并试图列出一些公司,然后列出每个公司下的所有联系人。我想我已经接近让它发挥作用,所以如果可以,请帮助。


namespace ERP.Models
    public class ERP_Company
        public int CompanyID { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }

    public class ERP_Contact
        public int ContactID { get; set; }
        public string FirstName { get; set; }
        public string LastName { get; set; }
        public int CompanyID { get; set; }


namespace ERP.Models
    public class Method1
        public ERPEntities db = new ERPEntities();

        public List<ERP_Company> getCompanyList()
            List<ERP_Company> companyList = (
                from c in db.ERP_Company
                where c.Name.Contains("Network")
                select c).Take(10).ToList();    
            return companyList;

        // This below method needs to get the passing CompanyID from getCompanyList for filtering.
        public List<ERP_Contact> getContactList()
            List<ERP_Contact> contactList = (
                from cc in db.ERP_CompanyContact
                select cc).Take(50).ToList();
            return contactList;

        /*  Tried this below, but not work for the Controller, maybe I am doing wrong.
        public List<ERP_Contact> getContactList(int CompanyID)
            List<ERP_Contact> contactList = (
                from cc in db.ERP_CompanyContact
                where cc.CompanyID == CompanyID
                select cc).Take(50).ToList();
            return contactList;



namespace ERP.Models
    public class ViewModelDemoVM
        public List<ERP_Company> allCompanies { get; set; }
        public List<ERP_Contact> allContacts { get; set; }


Method1 _repository = new Method1();
public ActionResult ViewModelDemo()
            ViewModelDemoVM vm = new ViewModelDemoVM();
            vm.allCompanies = _repository.getCompanyList();
            vm.allContacts = _repository.getContactList();
            return View(vm);


@model ERP.Models.ViewModelDemoVM 

    ViewBag.Title = "ViewModelDemo";


    @foreach (var company in Model.allCompanies)
        <li>@company.CompanyID | @company.Name</li>
        <!-- HERE is I want to put the filtering... foreach contact WHERE CompanyID =  Model.allCompanies.CompanyID-->
        @foreach (var contact in Model.allContacts)
            <li>@contact.ContactID | @contact.FirstName</li>                             



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using UnityEngine;
using SocketIO;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class NetworkManager : MonoBehaviour {

public SocketIOComponent socket;
public Text serverMessageDebug;

private string latitude;
private string longitude;
private string coordinatesJson;

void Start() {

    latitude = "5"; //GPS.Instance.latitude.ToString();
    longitude = "5"; //GPS.Instance.longitude.ToString();

    //coordinatesJson = "{ 'latitude': '"+latitude+"', 'longitude': '"+longitude+"' }";
    coordinatesJson = "{\"latitude\":\"" + latitude + "\",\"longitude\":\"" + longitude + "\"}";

    EstablishConnection ();
    //Subscrible to node.js websocket events
    socket.On ("test", OnTest);


#region Server Connection

public void EstablishConnection(){      
    StartCoroutine (ConnectToServer ());

private IEnumerator ConnectToServer(){      
    yield return new WaitForSeconds (0.5f);
    socket.Emit("client connect");
    socket.Emit("send coordinates", JSONObject.CreateStringObject(coordinatesJson));
    yield return new WaitForSeconds (1f);

#region Websocket Events
private void OnTest(SocketIOEvent socketIOEvent){
    Debug.Log ("This is a test from the server");
    serverMessageDebug.text = "This is a test from the server";

答案 1 :(得分:1)


public class CompanyVm
    public string Name { set; get; }
    public IEnumerable<ContactVm> Contacts { set;get;}
public class ContactVm
    public string Name { set; get; }
public class ViewModelDemoVM 
    public List<CompanyVm> Companies { set; get; }



public class ERP_Company
    public int CompanyID { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public ICollection<Contact> Contacts { set; get; }


public IActionResult ViewModelDemo()
    var vm = new ViewModelDemoVM();
    vm.Companies = db.Companies
                     .Select(a => new CompanyVm { Name = a.Name,
                                                  Contacts = a.Contacts
                                                              .Select(c => new ContactVm
                                                                     { Name = c.Name })}
    return View(vm);


@model ViewModelDemoVM 
@foreach(var company in Model.Companies)
    @foreach(var contact in company.Contacts)


  1. 根据需要创建视图模型
  2. 不要将实体类(由ORM使用)与视图模型混合
  3. 在视图中保留较少的逻辑/ C#代码
  4. 我使用了类通用类名(Contact而不是ERP_Contact)和属性名称。使用上述代码时,如果需要,请进行必要的更改以使用现有名称。