我已经为我的后端使用hapi js并对我的前端作出反应。前端服务器在localhost端口3000上运行,后端在8000上运行。所以我有2条这样的路由 -
let userDetails = {
method: "GET",
path: "/api/user/userdata",
config: {
description: 'Get userdata',
notes: 'Returns a todo item by the id passed in the path',
tags: ['api', 'User Data'],
cors: corsHeaders,
auth: {
strategy: 'restricted',
handler: (request, h) => {
return h.response(userData)
let createUser = {
method: "POST",
path: "/api/user/userdata",
config: {
tags: ['api', 'User Data'],
description: 'Upload User data to the db',
cors: corsHeaders,
handler: async (request, h) => {
const { username, emailId, password } = request.payload
request.cookieAuth.set({ username })
return h.response('cookie created!')
现在'post'路由通过request.cookieAuth.set({username})设置cookie, 因此,当我通过邮递员申请发布时,它在邮递员中设置cookie,并且get路由发送数据没有任何问题。但是在浏览器中,cookie没有被设置。
我正在使用hapi-auth-cookie插件,注册就像这样 -
await server.register(HapiAuthCookie)
server.auth.strategy('restricted', 'cookie',{
password: 'AudhASp342SID3acdh83CDASHciAS93rashdiva34a',
cookie: 'session',
isSecure: false,
ttl: 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000,