
时间:2018-04-10 19:06:33

标签: r


例如,如果当前运行选择c(A, J, C, Y, W),而前一次运行为c(K, M, Z, A, I),则不同字母的数量将为4,因为每个字母中都显示“A”。如果4> “唯一阈值”,然后将其添加到主df,否则跳到下一次迭代。

我想清楚以下代码确实有效,对于大型迭代,它只会变得非常缓慢。最明显的原因是因为对于每次迭代i in 1:n,当前i需要检查i-1次迭代。随着i变大,每次迭代都会花费更长时间。



df <- data.frame()
Run <- 100 # number of iterations
numProducts <- 5 # number of LETTERS to choose at random for each run
UniqueThresh <- 2 # i.e. need to have at least 2 different than any other
for (i in 1:Run) {
  # Make random "Product List", put into temp df with Run ID
  products <- sample(LETTERS, numProducts, replace = F)
  dfTemp <- data.frame(RunID = rep(i, numProducts), products)

  # Test uniqueness (pseudo code):
  #   Get all ID's currently in `df`. For those runIDs:
  #       Count how many LETTERS in dfTemp are in run[i] (`NonUnique`).
  #         if Unique LETTERS >= UniqueThresh  THEN rbind ELSE break unique-test and go to next i
  if (i > 1) {
    flag <- TRUE
    RunIDList <- distinct(df, RunID) %>% pull()
    for (runi in RunIDList) {
      # Filter main df on current `runi`
      dfUniquei <- df %>% filter(RunID == runi)
      # Count how many in products in current `i` are in df[runi]
      NonUnique <- sum(dfTemp$products %in% dfUniquei$products)
      TotalUnique <- numProducts - NonUnique

      # If unique players is less than threshold then flag as bad and break out of current runi for-loop to jump to next i
      if (TotalUnique < UniqueThresh) {
        flag <- FALSE
    # If "not unique enough" then don't add to main `df` and skip to next run
    if(!flag) next

  df <- rbind(df, dfTemp)

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)



Run <- 100 # number of iterations
numProducts <- 5 # number of LETTERS to choose at random for each run
UniqueThresh <- 2 # i.e. need to have at least 2 different than any other

#initialize: the first set will automatically be accepted.
df <- data.frame(RunID = rep(1, numProducts), prods = sample(LETTERS, numProducts, replace = F))

for (i in 2:Run) {
  # Make random "Product List"
  products <- sample(LETTERS, numProducts, replace = F)
  # Test uniqueness:
  # If "not unique enough" then don't add to main `df` and skip to next run
  if(df %>% group_by(RunID) %>% summarise(test = length(unique(c(as.character(prods),products)))>(numProducts+UniqueThresh-1)) %>% pull(test) %>% all){
    df <- rbind(df, data.frame(RunID = rep(i, numProducts), prods = products))}