import UIKit
import SafariServices
import AVFoundation
import AWSAuthCore
class ViewController: UIViewController, SPTAudioStreamingPlaybackDelegate, SPTAudioStreamingDelegate {
// Variables
var auth = SPTAuth.defaultInstance()!
var session:SPTSession!
// Initialzed in either updateAfterFirstLogin: (if first time login) or in viewDidLoad (when there is a check for a session object in User Defaults
var player: SPTAudioStreamingController?
var loginUrl: URL?
// Outlets
@IBOutlet weak var loginSpotify: UIButton!
@IBOutlet weak var testLabel: UILabel!
override func viewDidLoad() {
func setup () {
// insert redirect your url and client ID below
let redirectURL = "splitter-app://callback" // put your redirect URL here
let clientID = "client id goes here" // put your client ID here
auth.redirectURL = URL(string: redirectURL)
auth.clientID = "client id goes here"
auth.requestedScopes = [SPTAuthStreamingScope, SPTAuthPlaylistReadPrivateScope, SPTAuthPlaylistModifyPublicScope, SPTAuthPlaylistModifyPrivateScope]
loginUrl = auth.spotifyWebAuthenticationURL()
func initializePlayer(authSession:SPTSession){
if self.player == nil {
self.player = SPTAudioStreamingController.sharedInstance()
self.player!.playbackDelegate = self
self.player!.delegate = self
try! player!.start(withClientId: auth.clientID)
self.player!.login(withAccessToken: authSession.accessToken)
func updateAfterFirstLogin () {
loginSpotify.isHidden = true
let userDefaults = UserDefaults.standard
if let sessionObj:AnyObject = userDefaults.object(forKey: "SpotifySession") as AnyObject? {
let sessionDataObj = sessionObj as! Data
let firstTimeSession = NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchiveObject(with: sessionDataObj) as! SPTSession
self.session = firstTimeSession
initializePlayer(authSession: session)
func initializaPlayer(authSession:SPTSession){
if self.player == nil {
self.player = SPTAudioStreamingController.sharedInstance()
self.player!.playbackDelegate = self
self.player!.delegate = self
try! player?.start(withClientId: auth.clientID)
self.player!.login(withAccessToken: authSession.accessToken)
func audioStreamingDidLogin(_ audioStreaming: SPTAudioStreamingController!) {
// after a user authenticates a session, the SPTAudioStreamingController is then initialized and this method called
print("logged in")
self.player?.playSpotifyURI("spotify:track:58s6EuEYJdlb0kO7awm3Vp", startingWith: 0, startingWithPosition: 0, callback: { (error) in
if (error != nil) {
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class ViewController: UIViewController, SPTAudioStreamingPlaybackDelegate, SPTAudioStreamingDelegate {
// Variables
var auth = SPTAuth.defaultInstance()!
var session:SPTSession!
// Initialzed in either updateAfterFirstLogin: (if first time login) or in viewDidLoad (when there is a check for a session object in User Defaults
var player: SPTAudioStreamingController?
var loginUrl: URL?
// Outlets
@IBOutlet weak var loginSpotify: UIButton!
@IBOutlet weak var testLabel: UILabel!
override func viewDidLoad() {
func setup () {
// insert redirect your url and client ID below
let redirectURL = "splitter-app://callback" // put your redirect URL here
let clientID = "client id goes here" // put your client ID here
auth.redirectURL = URL(string: redirectURL)
auth.clientID = "client id goes here"
auth.requestedScopes = [SPTAuthStreamingScope, SPTAuthPlaylistReadPrivateScope, SPTAuthPlaylistModifyPublicScope, SPTAuthPlaylistModifyPrivateScope]
loginUrl = auth.spotifyWebAuthenticationURL()
func initializePlayer(authSession:SPTSession){
if self.player == nil {
self.player = SPTAudioStreamingController.sharedInstance()
self.player!.playbackDelegate = self
self.player!.delegate = self
try! player!.start(withClientId: auth.clientID)
self.player!.login(withAccessToken: authSession.accessToken)
func updateAfterFirstLogin () {
loginSpotify.isHidden = true
let userDefaults = UserDefaults.standard
if let sessionObj:AnyObject = userDefaults.object(forKey: "SpotifySession") as AnyObject? {
let sessionDataObj = sessionObj as! Data
let firstTimeSession = NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchiveObject(with: sessionDataObj) as! SPTSession
self.session = firstTimeSession
initializePlayer(authSession: session)
func initializaPlayer(authSession:SPTSession){
if self.player == nil {
self.player = SPTAudioStreamingController.sharedInstance()
self.player!.playbackDelegate = self
self.player!.delegate = self
try! player?.start(withClientId: auth.clientID)
self.player!.login(withAccessToken: authSession.accessToken)
func audioStreamingDidLogin(_ audioStreaming: SPTAudioStreamingController!) {
// after a user authenticates a session, the SPTAudioStreamingController is then initialized and this method called
print("logged in")
self.player?.playSpotifyURI("spotify:track:58s6EuEYJdlb0kO7awm3Vp", startingWith: 0, startingWithPosition: 0, callback: { (error) in
if (error != nil) {