Abhisheks-MacBook-Pro:~ abhishekbatra$ lighthouse chrome-extension://hclbghnhiklgejahckgmpldjgfjhasdf/index.html
ChromeLauncher Waiting for browser. +0ms
ChromeLauncher Waiting for browser... +0ms
ChromeLauncher Waiting for browser..... +511ms
ChromeLauncher Waiting for browser.....✓ +2ms
Lighthouse:warn The URL provided should be on HTTPS +367ms
Lighthouse:warn Performance stats will be skewed redirecting from HTTP to HTTPS. +1ms
status Initializing… +956ms
status Loading page & waiting for onload URL, Scripts, CSSUsage, Viewport, ViewportDimensions, ThemeColor, Manifest, RuntimeExceptions, ChromeConsoleMessages, ImageUsage, Accessibility, EventListeners, AnchorsWithNoRelNoopener, AppCacheManifest, DOMStats, JSLibraries, OptimizedImages, PasswordInputsWithPreventedPaste, ResponseCompression, TagsBlockingFirstPaint, WebSQL, MetaDescription, FontSize, CrawlableLinks, MetaRobots, Hreflang, EmbeddedContent, Canonical, RobotsTxt, Fonts +358ms
statusEnd Loading page & waiting for onload +6s
status Retrieving trace +1ms
status Retrieving devtoolsLog and network records +132ms
GatherRunner:error FAILED_DOCUMENT_REQUEST chrome-extension://hclbghnhiklgejahckgmpldjgfjhasdf/index.html +2ms
status Retrieving: URL +1ms
status Retrieving: Scripts +0ms
status Retrieving: Fonts +0ms
status Loading page & waiting for onload ServiceWorker, Offline, StartUrl +310ms
statusEnd Loading page & waiting for onload +29ms
status Retrieving devtoolsLog and network records +0ms
GatherRunner:error FAILED_DOCUMENT_REQUEST chrome-extension://hclbghnhiklgejahckgmpldjgfjhasdf/index.html +3ms
status Retrieving: ServiceWorker +3ms
status Retrieving: Offline +0ms
status Retrieving: StartUrl +20ms
status Loading page & waiting for onload HTTPRedirect, HTMLWithoutJavaScript +318ms
statusEnd Loading page & waiting for onload +21ms
status Retrieving devtoolsLog and network records +0ms
GatherRunner:error FAILED_DOCUMENT_REQUEST chrome-extension://hclbghnhiklgejahckgmpldjgfjhasdf/index.html +1ms
status Retrieving: HTTPRedirect +1ms
status Retrieving: HTMLWithoutJavaScript +8ms
status Disconnecting from browser... +3ms
status Disconnecting from browser... +4ms
CriConnection:warn disconnect() was called without an established connection. +0ms
ChromeLauncher Killing Chrome instance 18449 +1ms
Runtime error encountered: Your page failed to load. Verify that the URL is valid and re-run Lighthouse.
at Function.getPageLoadError (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/lighthouse/lighthouse-core/gather/gather-runner.js:163:21)
at pass.then._ (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/lighthouse/lighthouse-core/gather/gather-runner.js:298:36)
at <anonymous>
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:160:7)