Microsoft Office 365加载项+ Azure身份验证令牌图

时间:2018-04-10 08:58:26

标签: javascript java microsoft-graph office-js outlook-web-addins

我在获取Microsoft Graph令牌时遇到问题。

我已关注this documentation获取令牌。

使用Office Javascript API,我从我的加载项中获取了身份令牌和应用程序令牌。

我已将我的加载项放在Exchange服务器上,我检查过在Azure Active Directory中创建了一个应用程序,为此应用程序添加了Microsoft Graph和Azure Active Directory的所有授权,并生成了API访问密钥。


function getCallbackToken() {

function cbToken(asyncResult) {
  var token = asyncResult.value;
  console.log("token : " + token);

function getIdentityToken() {

function cbIdentity(asyncResult) {
  var identity = asyncResult.value;
  console.log("identity : " + identity);

function getMailUser() {
    "displayName : " +
      Office.context.mailbox.userProfile.displayName +
      ", mail adresse : " +

当我将这些令牌发送到我的java服务器时,我想将令牌发送到Microsoft Graph,我使用此代码向ADAL4J库请求azure

    //idToken , token identity or token application get from addin api javascript
    public AuthenticationResult acquireTokenForGraphApi(String idToken) 
    throws Throwable {
    final ClientCredential credential = new ClientCredential(" --- application id get in azure application list --- ",
            "  --- generate key from  azure application setting, only display one time ---");
    final UserAssertion assertion = new UserAssertion(idToken);

    AuthenticationResult result = null;
    ExecutorService service = null;
    try {
        service = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1);
        String tenantId = "--- tocken get in azure configuration panel, application endpoints";

        final AuthenticationContext context = new AuthenticationContext(
                "" + tenantId + "/", false, service);

        final Future<AuthenticationResult> future = context.acquireToken("", assertion, credential, null);

        result = future.get();

    } catch (ExecutionException e) {
        throw e.getCause();
    } finally {
        if (service != null) {

    if (result == null) {
        throw new ServiceUnavailableException(
                "unable to acquire on-behalf-of token for client " + aadAuthFilterProp.getClientId());
    return result;

我收到错误代码 { 
    "error_description":  "AADSTS50013: Assertion contains an invalid signature."
        Reason - The key was not found., 
        Thumbprint of key used by client: '0600F9F674620737E73404E287C45A818CB7CEB8', 
        Configured keys: 
            Key0:Start=02/18/2018, End=02/19/2020, Thumbprint=oZkMJ7Omv9GN7JVM;
            Key1:Start=03/31/2018, End=03/31/2020, Thumbprint=xq4mEGikJ5Bkblfw;
            Key2:Start=11/16/2016, End=11/16/2018, Thumbprint=i1DVz66b9dfpPV3Z;
    Trace ID: b439ed2f-8a91-401e-91e8-133b57532b00
    Correlation ID: cd8ebc72-5173-4725-9c79-e8dc0ef7634b
    Timestamp: 2018-04-10 08:27:05Z,
    "error": "invalid_grant" 

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