我的问题如下: 我想实现一个最短路径算法,给定一个特定节点和一个辅助节点,找到第一个节点到第二个节点之间的最短路径。
public class NetworkInfluence {
private int numEdges; //number of edges
private int numVert; //number of vertices
private int numIter; //number of page rank iterations
private Map<String, List<String>> AtoB; //out degree of vertices
private Map<String, List<String>> BtoA; //in degree of vertices
private Map<String, Double> influenceMap; //page ranks of vertices
private Set<String> nodeCounter; //list of vertices
* Creates a new PageRank object. This is used to find the pagerank
* of a graph represented as an edgelist in a text file.
* @param fileName Name of text file containing graph edge list.
* @param eps Convergence parameter for pagerank.
* @throws FileNotFoundException If text file containing graph cannot be found.
* @throws IOException If error reading a text file.
public NetworkInfluence(String fileName) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
numIter = 0;
numEdges = 0;
AtoB = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();
BtoA = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();
Set<String> nodeCounter = new HashSet<String>();
FileReader fr = new FileReader(fileName);
BufferedReader b = new BufferedReader(fr);
String line = b.readLine();
String nodes[];
List<String> toList;
List<String> fromList;
while((line = b.readLine()) != null) {
nodes = line.toLowerCase().split(" ");
if(!AtoB.containsKey(nodes[0])) {
toList = new ArrayList<String>();
AtoB.put(nodes[0], toList);
} else {
toList = AtoB.get(nodes[0]);
AtoB.put(nodes[0], toList);
if(!BtoA.containsKey(nodes[1])) {
fromList = new ArrayList<String>();
BtoA.put(nodes[1], fromList);
} else {
fromList = BtoA.get(nodes[1]);
BtoA.put(nodes[1], fromList);
this.nodeCounter = nodeCounter;
numVert = nodeCounter.size();
答案 0 :(得分:0)
Map<String, Map<String, Integer>> costs = new HashMap<>();
// where the cost of edge ("node0", "node1") is:
int cost = costs.get("node0").get("node1");
部分od dijkstra可能是这样的(我不关心优化地图访问):
public List<String> path(String node0, String node1) {
// array to keep trace of visited nodes
Map<String, Boolean> visited = new HashMap<>();
// array to keep trace of predecessors of nodes in the path
Map<String, String> pred = new HashMap<>();
// initialize maps
for (String n : nodeCounter) {
visited.put(n, false);
pred.put(n, node0);
// min costs from node0 to any other node, initialized to INFINITE if
// the nodes are not adjacent
Map<String, Integer> mincosts = new HashMap<>();
for (String n : nodeCounter)
mincosts.put(n, costs.get(node0).get(n));
// initialize flags of start node
visited.put(node0, true);
mincosts.put(node0, 0);
// iterate until all vertexes or node1 are reached
for (int i = 0; (i < numVert) && (!visited.get(node1)); ++i) {
int min = inf;
String candidate = null;
for (String n : nodeCounter)
if (!visited.get(n) && mincosts.get(n) < min) {
min = mincosts.get(n);
candidate = n;
if (candidate == null)
visited.put(candidate, true);
for (String n : nodeCounter)
if (!visited.get(n) && ((mincosts.get(candidate) + costs.get(candidate).get(n)) < mincosts.get(n))) {
mincosts.put(n, mincosts.get(candidate) + costs.get(candidate).get(n));
pred.put(n, candidate);
if (!visited.get(node1))
return null;
// store the path from node1 to node0, using predecessors
// map
String current = node1;
List<String> path = new ArrayList<>();
while (!current.equals(node0))
path.add(current = pred.get(current));
// store the path from node0 to node1
return path;
实际上,如果你也可以使用第三个库,我建议你寻找像JGraphT这样的图形java库,并将给定的函数用于最小路径。例如,here是Dijkstra JGraphT API的参考。