QueenRow = int(self.UI_entry2.get()) #mighht not be needed
QueenColumn = int(self.UI_entry3.get())
QueenMoves = self.QueenMoves(QueenRow,QueenColumn)
QueenTuple.append(QueenRow) # Add to list to tuple
QueenTuple.append(QueenColumn) # Add to list to tuple
QueenRowColumn = tuple(QueenTuple) # Tuple the numbers
for piece,position in list(self.pieces.items()): # Get the Key from the values
if position == QueenRowColumn: # if the tupled numbers equals the key
print("Piece:",piece,"|","Old Position:",position) # Print the key and position
MoveRow = int(self.UI_entry4.get()) #then get the row and column they can move to
MoveColumn = int(self.UI_entry5.get())
TheComparison = tuple(QueenTuple2)
for TheQueenMoves in QueenMoves: #loop through all the kings moves
for a,b in list(self.pieces.items()):
# Move Piece!
if TheComparison == TheQueenMoves and TheComparison[0] >= 0 and TheComparison[1] <= 7 and TheComparison[1] >= 0 and TheComparison[0] <= 7:
self.placepiece(piece, row = MoveRow, column = MoveColumn)
print("Piece:",piece,"|","Current Position:",TheComparison) print("Possible Moves in current position:",QueenMoves)
del QueenTuple[:]
del QueenTuple2[:]