我目前正在创建一个我正在创建的网站。但是,我在填补页面最右侧的边距差距时遇到了一些麻烦As seen in this picture我尝试将主体设置为边距0px,但这没有帮助。任何帮助肯定会受到赞赏和细节,在我出错的地方,将是富有洞察力的。谢谢!
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Bootstrap Image Carousel Slider with Animate.css
Code snippet by Hashif (http://hashif.com) for Bootsnipp.com
Image credits: unsplash.com
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/*****HOW IT WORKS***/
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<h3 data-animation="animated bounceInDown">Partnership with Hayat Express ®</h3>
<h4 data-animation="animated bounceInUp">Deliver packages in your area</h4>
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<h3> Global Critical Delivery</h3>
<h4 data-animation="animated bounceInUp">For your most challenged delivery </h4>
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<img style="max-width: 200px;" data-animation="animated zoomInLeft" src="https://s18.postimg.org/l8cplxczd/forklift.png">
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<h3 data-animation="animated bounceInDown">Residencial E-Commerce</h3>
<h4 data-animation="animated bounceInUp">Providing Service to Consumers Worldwide</h4>
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<img style="max-width: 200px;" data-animation="animated zoomInLeft" src="http://s20.postimg.org/eq8xvxeq5/globe_network.png">
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<h3 data-animation="animated bounceInDown">Global Critical Delivery</h3>
<h4 data-animation="animated bounceInUp">For your most challenged delivery </h4>
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<p>You deserve a great delivery experience. You want your favorite products delivered to you fast, with free shipping and no hassles.
<p>We help leading and emerging internet retailers get you what you want. Whether we’re delivering your meal kits to help you quickly prepare dinner, or helping you avoid a last-minute trip to the store, our goal is to give you more time for
what’s important by delivering your favorite products to you — fast.</p>
<!--How it works-->
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<h1>How it works</h1>
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<div class="col-md-6 col-sm-7 st-service">
HyatExpress operates within the largest and fastest growing metro areas in the eastern United States. Our 60+ operational facilities and four sorting hubs are staffed by people who take pride in supporting you with consistent performance, and are excited
to be a part of the newly-emerging and sophisticated logistics economy. LaserShip parcels are brought to you by people with a passion for improving the delivery experience. Many have made a career as delivery professionals, others may deliver
as a supplemental job, and some are gig-economy millennials delivering parcels throughout their busy schedules. Together, we’re able to deliver packages to you faster than national carriers. </p>
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<img src="https://www.lasership.com/img/section/customer.jpg">
(function($) {
//Function to animate slider captions
function doAnimations(elems) {
//Cache the animationend event in a variable
var animEndEv = 'webkitAnimationEnd animationend';
elems.each(function() {
var $this = $(this),
$animationType = $this.data('animation');
$this.addClass($animationType).one(animEndEv, function() {
//Variables on page load
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$firstAnimatingElems = $myCarousel.find('.item:first').find("[data-animation ^= 'animated']");
//Initialize carousel
//Animate captions in first slide on page load
//Pause carousel
//Other slides to be animated on carousel slide event
$myCarousel.on('slide.bs.carousel', function(e) {
var $animatingElems = $(e.relatedTarget).find("[data-animation ^= 'animated']");
interval: 3000,
pause: "false"
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