我是10年级的GCSE学生,所以我刚刚开始我的课程和正确的编码。我们设置了一项任务来创建一个名为botmod的游戏,您可以控制一个收集人物然后将其返回基地的角色。我使用一般知识创建了游戏,并从Google获得了我不理解的帮助。完成主程序后,我开始创建一个开始菜单,用户可以为游戏设置自己的变量,例如网格大小等。一旦我用主程序实现了这个,这就是问题的开始。 一旦我浏览了两个菜单并选择了所有选项,程序就会停止响应然后崩溃。
from tkinter import *
from random import choice, shuffle
def Ending_Conditions():
global Player_Power, Players_Collected
if Players_Collected == 3:
Game_End("YOU WIN!")
elif Player_Power <= 0 and Players_Collected != 3:
Game_End("Game Over")
def Game_End(End_Option):
global Playing_Game, Game_Finished
if End_Option == "EXIT":
Playing_Game = False
Game_Finished = True
Game_Canvas.create_rectangle(120, 120, 480, 300, fill = "#ffffff")
Game_Canvas.create_text(300, 210, text = End_Option, font = ('Abadi', 35, "bold"))
Continue_Button = Button(Root, text = 'Continue', command = lambda: Game_Restart('CONTINUE'))
Exit_Button = Button(Root, text = 'Exit', command = lambda: Game_Restart('EXIT'))
def Game_Restart(Restart_Option):
if Restart_Option == 'CONTINUE':
Restart_Game = True
if Restart_Option == 'EXIT':
def Paused_UI():
global Game_Paused, Close_PausedUI
Close_PausedUI = Button(Root, text = 'Exit', command = Close_Paused_UI)
Game_Paused = True
def Close_Paused_UI():
global Game_Paused, Close_PausedUI
Game_Paused = False
def Generate_Game():
global Game_Canvas, Game_Player, Game_Base, Player_Power, Power_Counter, People_Locations, Game_Paused, All_People, Game_Grid
Current_Colour = 0
Grid_Colour = []
Player_PosX, Player_PosY, Player_Storage, Players_Collected = 30, 30, 0, 0,
People_Locations = {0:[150, 450, 0], 1:[270, 330, 1], 2:[450, 90, 2]}
Game_Finished = False
# Generate UI
Game_Menu = Button(Root, text = 'Menu', command = Paused_UI)
# Define grid colours
Grid_Colours = ['#009446', '#D4F0FF', '#5f6365']
# Generate power counter and pack canvas
Power_Counter = Label(Root, text = Player_Power)
# Generate Grid and Colours
for y in range(Game_Grid):
for x in range(Game_Grid):
Game_Grid = Game_Canvas.create_rectangle(0+60*x, 0+60*y, 60+60*x, 60+60*y, fill = Grid_Colours[0])
# Generate Robot Player
Game_Player = Game_Canvas.create_text(Player_PosX, Player_PosY, text = "R", font = ('Abadi', 35, "bold"))
# Generate Player Base
Game_Base = Game_Canvas.create_text(450, 330, text = "B", font = ('Abadi', 35, "bold"))
# Generate People
for i in range(Game_People):
Person_Location = People_Locations[0+i]
Game_Person = Game_Canvas.create_text(Person_Location[0], Person_Location[1], text = "P", font = ('Abadi', 35, "bold"), tag = 'Game_Person')
All_People = Game_Canvas.find_withtag('Game_Person')
All_People = list(All_People)
def Move_Player(event):
global Game_Canvas, Game_Player, Game_Base, Player_PosY, Player_PosX, Current_Colour, Player_Power, Power_Counter, Player_Storage, Players_Collected, Game_Finished, Current_Person
if event.char.lower() == '\x1b' and Game_Paused == False:
elif event.char.lower() == '\x1b' and Game_Paused == True:
if Game_Paused == False and Game_Finished != True:
Movement_Value = Movement_Values[event.char.lower()]
if Player_PosX != Movement_Value[0] and Player_PosY != Movement_Value[1]:
# Detect current grid colour and configure power accordingly
Player_Power = Player_Power - Power_Values[Grid_Colour[Current_Colour]]
Power_Counter.configure(text = Player_Power)
Current_Colour = Current_Colour + Movement_Value[4]
# Delete the player then recreate in its new position
Player_PosX, Player_PosY = Player_PosX + Movement_Value[2], Player_PosY + Movement_Value[3]
Game_Player = Game_Canvas.create_text(Player_PosX, Player_PosY, text = "R", font = ('Abadi', 35, "bold"))
# Detect Person
for item in People_Locations:
Person_Location = People_Locations[item]
if Player_PosX == Person_Location[0] and Player_PosY == Person_Location[1] and Player_Storage != 1:
Current_Person = Person_Location[2]
Player_Storage += 1
if Player_PosX == 450 and Player_PosY == 330:
if Player_Storage == 1:
Player_Storage -= 1
Players_Collected += 1
Clear_Current = People_Locations[Current_Person]
Clear_Current = Clear_Current[2]
def Start_Game():
global Start_Canvas
Start_Canvas = Canvas(Root, width = 600, height = 500, bd=0, highlightthickness=0, bg = '#ffffff')
Title = Start_Canvas.create_text(300, 163, text = "BOTMOD", font = ('Cinema Gothic BTN Shadow', 75, 'normal'))
Play_Button = Button(text = "PLAY", width = 10, font=('Arial', 15), command = Play_Game)
Play_Button = Start_Canvas.create_window(300, 325, window = Play_Button)
Exit_Button = Button(text = "EXIT", width = 10, font=('Arial', 15), command = lambda: Game_End("EXIT"))
Exit_Button = Start_Canvas.create_window(300, 375, window = Exit_Button)
def Play_Game():
global Menu_Canvas, Grid_Entry, Power_Entry, People_Entry
Menu_Canvas = Canvas(Root, width = 600, height = 500, bd=0, highlightthickness=0, bg = '#C0C0C0')
Title_Rectangle = Menu_Canvas.create_rectangle(120, 10, 480, 100, fill = '#000000')
Slider_Rectangle = Menu_Canvas.create_rectangle(120, 110, 480, 430, fill = '#000000')
Footer_Rectangle = Menu_Canvas.create_rectangle(120, 440, 480, 490, fill = '#000000')
Title = Menu_Canvas.create_text(300, 55, text = "BOTMOD", font = ('Cinema Gothic BTN Shadow', 55, 'normal'), fill = '#ffffff')
Description_Text = Label(text = "Set Game Options", font=('Arial', 15, 'bold'), bg = '#000000', fg = '#ffffff')
Description_Text = Menu_Canvas.create_window(300, 145, window = Description_Text)
Power_Text = Label(text = "Robot Power", font=('Cinema Gothic BTN Shadow', 15), bg = '#000000', fg = '#ffffff')
Power_Text = Menu_Canvas.create_window(300, 195, window = Power_Text)
Power_Entry = Scale(from_= 50, to = 350, orient = HORIZONTAL, bg = '#000000', fg = '#ffffff', highlightthickness=0, bd = 0)
Power_Entry = Menu_Canvas.create_window(300, 225, window = Power_Entry)
People_Text = Label(text = "Person Count", font=('Cinema Gothic BTN Shadow', 15), bg = '#000000', fg = '#ffffff')
People_Text = Menu_Canvas.create_window(300, 280, window = People_Text)
People_Entry = Scale(from_= 3, to = 10, orient = HORIZONTAL, bg = '#000000', fg = '#ffffff', highlightthickness=0, bd = 0, state=DISABLED)
People_Entry = Menu_Canvas.create_window(300, 310, window = People_Entry)
Grid_Text = Label(text = "Grid Count", font=('Cinema Gothic BTN Shadow', 15), bg = '#000000', fg = '#ffffff')
Grid_Text = Menu_Canvas.create_window(300, 365, window = Grid_Text)
Grid_Entry = Scale(from_= 5, to = 15, orient = HORIZONTAL, bg = '#000000', fg = '#ffffff', highlightthickness=0, bd = 0)
Grid_Entry = Menu_Canvas.create_window(300, 395, window = Grid_Entry)
Play_Button = Button(text = "OK", width = 15, font=('Cinema Gothic BTN Shadow', 10), command = lambda: Init_Game("DEFAULT"), bg = '#000000', fg = '#ffffff')
Play_Button = Menu_Canvas.create_window(400, 465, window = Play_Button)
PlayWD_Button = Button(text = "Use Defaults", width = 15, font=('Cinema Gothic BTN Shadow', 10), command = lambda: Init_Game("CUSTOM"), bg = '#000000', fg = '#ffffff')
PlayWD_Button = Menu_Canvas.create_window(200, 465, window = PlayWD_Button)
def Init_Game(Game_Options):
global Grid_Count, Player_PosY, Player_PosX, Game_Paused, Game_Finished, Playing_Game, Player_Power, Game_Grid, Player_Movement, Game_People, Game_Canvas, Menu_Canvas, Grid_Entry, Power_Entry, People_Entry, Grid_Rectangle
if Game_Options == "DEFAULT":
Game_Grid = 10
Grid_Rectangle = 600/10
Player_Movement = Grid_Rectangle/2
Player_Power = 150
Game_People = 3
Game_Grid = Grid_Entry.get()
Grid_Rectangle = 600/Game_Grid
Player_Movement = Grid_Rectangle/2
Player_Power = Power_Entry.get()
Game_People = People_Entry.get()
Playing_Game = True
Game_Paused = False
Restart_Game = False
Movement_Values = {'w':(1000, 30, 0, -60, -10), 'a':(30, 1000, -60, 0, -1), 's':(1000, 570, 0, 60, 10), 'd':(570, 1000, 60, 0, 1)}
Power_Values = {'#009446':2, '#D4F0FF':1, '#5f6365':3}
People_Locations = {0:[150, 450, 0], 1:[270, 330, 1], 2:[450, 90, 2]}
while Playing_Game == True:
Restart_Game = False
while Restart_Game == False:
if Playing_Game == False:
Root = Tk()
Game_Canvas = Canvas(Root, width = 600, height = 600, bd=0, highlightthickness=0)
Root.bind('<KeyPress>', Move_Player)
Root.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", lambda: Game_End("EXIT"))
if Playing_Game == False:
Root = Tk()
答案 0 :(得分:0)
from tkinter import *
from random import choice, shuffle
def Ending_Conditions():
global Player_Power, Players_Collected
if Players_Collected == 3:
Game_End("YOU WIN!")
elif Player_Power <= 0 and Players_Collected != 3:
Game_End("Game Over")
def Game_End(End_Option):
global Playing_Game, Game_Finished
if End_Option == "EXIT":
Playing_Game = False
Game_Finished = True
Game_Canvas.create_rectangle(120, 120, 480, 300, fill = "#ffffff")
Game_Canvas.create_text(300, 210, text = End_Option, font = ('Abadi', 35, "bold"))
Continue_Button = Button(Root, text = 'Continue', command = Game_Restart)
Exit_Button = Button(Root, text = 'Exit', command = lambda: Game_End('EXIT'))
def Game_Restart():
global Already_Played
Restart_Game = True
Already_Played = True
def Paused_UI():
global Game_Paused, Close_PausedUI
Close_PausedUI = Button(Root, text = 'Exit', command = Close_Paused_UI)
Game_Paused = True
def Close_Paused_UI():
global Game_Paused, Close_PausedUI
Game_Paused = False
def Generate_Game():
global Game_Canvas, Game_Player, Game_Base, Player_Power, Power_Counter, People_Locations, Game_Paused, All_People, Game_Gridcount, Current_Colour, Player_PosY, Player_PosX, Grid_Colour, Players_Collected, Player_Storage
Current_Colour = 0
Grid_Colour = []
Player_PosX, Player_PosY, Player_Storage, Players_Collected, Players_Removed = 300/Game_Gridcount, 300/Game_Gridcount, 0, 0, 0
People_Locations = {0:[150, 450, 0], 1:[270, 330, 1], 2:[450, 90, 2]}
Game_Finished = False
# Generate UI
Game_Menu = Button(Root, text = 'Menu', command = Paused_UI)
# Define grid colours
Grid_Colours = ['#009446', '#D4F0FF', '#5f6365']
# Generate power counter and pack canvas
Power_Counter = Label(Root, text = Player_Power)
# Generate Grid and Colours
for y in range(Game_Gridcount):
for x in range(Game_Gridcount):
Game_Grid = Game_Canvas.create_rectangle(Grid_Rectangle*x, Grid_Rectangle*y, Grid_Rectangle+Grid_Rectangle*x, Grid_Rectangle+Grid_Rectangle*y, fill = Grid_Colours[0])
# Generate Robot Player
Game_Player = Game_Canvas.create_text(Player_PosX, Player_PosY, text = "R", font = ('Abadi', 450//Game_Gridcount, "bold"))
# Generate Player Base
Game_BaseX, Game_BaseY = Grid_Rectangle*(Game_Gridcount-1.5), Grid_Rectangle*(Game_Gridcount-2.5)
Game_Base = Game_Canvas.create_text(Game_BaseX, Game_BaseY, text = "B", font = ('Abadi', 450//Game_Gridcount, "bold"))
# Generate People
for i in range(Game_People):
Person_Location = People_Locations[i] Grid_Rectangle*(Game_Gridcount-1.5)
Game_Person = Game_Canvas.create_text(Grid_Rectangle*(Game_Gridcount-Person_Location[0]), (Grid_Rectangle*(Game_Gridcount-Person_Location[1]), text = "P", font = ('Abadi', 450//Game_Gridcount, "bold"), tag = 'Game_Person')
All_People = Game_Canvas.find_withtag('Game_Person')
All_People = list(All_People)
def Move_Player(event):
global Game_Canvas, Game_Player, Game_Base, Player_PosY, Player_PosX, Current_Colour, Player_Power, Power_Counter, Player_Storage, Players_Collected, Game_Finished, Current_Person
if event.char.lower() == '\x1b' and Game_Paused == False:
elif event.char.lower() == '\x1b' and Game_Paused == True:
if Game_Paused == False and Game_Finished != True:
Movement_Value = Movement_Values[event.char.lower()]
if Player_PosX != Movement_Value[0] and Player_PosY != Movement_Value[1]:
# Detect current grid colour and configure power accordingly
Player_Power = Player_Power - Power_Values[Grid_Colour[Current_Colour]]
Power_Counter.configure(text = Player_Power)
Current_Colour = Current_Colour + Movement_Value[4]
# Delete the player then recreate in its new position
Player_PosX, Player_PosY = Player_PosX + Movement_Value[2], Player_PosY + Movement_Value[3]
Game_Player = Game_Canvas.create_text(Player_PosX, Player_PosY, text = "R", font = ('Abadi', 450//Game_Gridcount, "bold"))
# Detect Person
for item in People_Locations:
Person_Location = People_Locations[item]
if Player_PosX == Person_Location[0] and Player_PosY == Person_Location[1] and Player_Storage != 1:
Current_Person = Person_Location[2]
Player_Storage += 1
if Player_PosX == 450 and Player_PosY == 330:
if Player_Storage == 1:
Player_Storage -= 1
Players_Collected += 1
Clear_Current = People_Locations[Current_Person]
Clear_Current = Clear_Current[2]
def Start_Game():
global Start_Canvas
Start_Canvas = Canvas(Root, width = 600, height = 500, bd=0, highlightthickness=0, bg = '#ffffff')
Title = Start_Canvas.create_text(300, 163, text = "BOTMOD", font = ('Cinema Gothic BTN Shadow', 75, 'normal'))
Play_Button = Button(text = "PLAY", width = 10, font=('Arial', 15), command = Play_Game)
Play_Button = Start_Canvas.create_window(300, 325, window = Play_Button)
Exit_Button = Button(text = "EXIT", width = 10, font=('Arial', 15), command = lambda: Game_End("EXIT"))
Exit_Button = Start_Canvas.create_window(300, 375, window = Exit_Button)
def Play_Game():
global Menu_Canvas, Grid_Entry, Power_Entry, People_Entry
if Already_Played == False:
Menu_Canvas = Canvas(Root, width = 600, height = 500, bd=0, highlightthickness=0, bg = '#C0C0C0')
Title_Rectangle = Menu_Canvas.create_rectangle(120, 10, 480, 100, fill = '#000000')
Slider_Rectangle = Menu_Canvas.create_rectangle(120, 110, 480, 430, fill = '#000000')
Footer_Rectangle = Menu_Canvas.create_rectangle(120, 440, 480, 490, fill = '#000000')
Title = Menu_Canvas.create_text(300, 55, text = "BOTMOD", font = ('Cinema Gothic BTN Shadow', 55, 'normal'), fill = '#ffffff')
Description_Text = Label(text = "Set Game Options", font=('Arial', 15, 'bold'), bg = '#000000', fg = '#ffffff')
Description_Text = Menu_Canvas.create_window(300, 145, window = Description_Text)
Power_Text = Label(text = "Robot Power", font=('Cinema Gothic BTN Shadow', 15), bg = '#000000', fg = '#ffffff')
Power_Text = Menu_Canvas.create_window(300, 195, window = Power_Text)
Power_Entry = Scale(Root, from_= 50, to = 350, orient = HORIZONTAL, bg = '#000000', fg = '#ffffff', highlightthickness=0, bd = 0)
Power_Entrys = Menu_Canvas.create_window(300, 225, window = Power_Entry)
People_Text = Label(text = "Person Count", font=('Cinema Gothic BTN Shadow', 15), bg = '#000000', fg = '#ffffff')
People_Text = Menu_Canvas.create_window(300, 280, window = People_Text)
People_Entry = Scale(Root, from_= 2, to = 10, orient = HORIZONTAL, bg = '#000000', fg = '#ffffff', highlightthickness=0, bd = 0)
People_Entrys = Menu_Canvas.create_window(300, 310, window = People_Entry)
Grid_Text = Label(text = "Grid Count", font=('Cinema Gothic BTN Shadow', 15), bg = '#000000', fg = '#ffffff')
Grid_Text = Menu_Canvas.create_window(300, 365, window = Grid_Text)
Grid_Entry = Scale(Root, from_= 6, to = 14, orient = HORIZONTAL, resolution = 2, bg = '#000000', fg = '#ffffff', highlightthickness=0, bd = 0)
Grid_Entrys = Menu_Canvas.create_window(300, 395, window = Grid_Entry)
Play_Button = Button(text = "OK", width = 15, font=('Cinema Gothic BTN Shadow', 10), command = lambda: Init_Game("CUSTOM"), bg = '#000000', fg = '#ffffff')
Play_Button = Menu_Canvas.create_window(400, 465, window = Play_Button)
PlayWD_Button = Button(text = "Use Defaults", width = 15, font=('Cinema Gothic BTN Shadow', 10), command = lambda: Init_Game("DEFAULT"), bg = '#000000', fg = '#ffffff')
PlayWD_Button = Menu_Canvas.create_window(200, 465, window = PlayWD_Button)
def Init_Game(Game_Options):
global Player_PosY, Player_PosX, Game_Paused, Game_Finished, Playing_Game, Player_Power, Game_Gridcount, Player_Movement, Game_People, Game_Canvas, Movement_Values, Power_Values, Grid_Rectangle
if Game_Options == "DEFAULT":
Game_Gridcount = 10
Grid_Rectangle = 600/10
Player_Movement = Grid_Rectangle/2
Player_Power = 150
Game_People = 3
elif Game_Options == "CUSTOM":
Game_Gridcount = Grid_Entry.get()
Grid_Rectangle = 600/Game_Gridcount
Player_Movement = Grid_Rectangle/2
Player_Power = Power_Entry.get()
Game_People = People_Entry.get()
Movement_Values = {'w':(1000, 300/Game_Gridcount, 0, -600/Game_Gridcount, 10), 'a':(300/Game_Gridcount, 1000, -600/Game_Gridcount, 0, -1), 's':(1000, 600-Player_Movement, 0, 600/Game_Gridcount, Game_Gridcount-Game_Gridcount*2), 'd':(600-Player_Movement, 1000, 600/Game_Gridcount, 0, 1)}
Power_Values = {'#009446':2, '#D4F0FF':1, '#5f6365':3}
People_Locations = {0:[1.5, 1.5, 0], 1:[1.5, 4.5, 1], 2:[1.5, 1.5, 2], 3:[1.5, 1.5, 3], 4:[1.5, 1.5, 4], 5:[1.5, 1.5, 5], 6:[1.5, 1.5, 6], 7:[1.5, 1.5, 7], 8:[1.5, 1.5, 8], 9:[1.5, 1.5, 9], 10:[1.5, 1.5, 10]}
Game_Canvas = Canvas(Root, width = 600, height = 600, bd=0, highlightthickness=0)
Root.bind('<KeyPress>', Move_Player)
Root.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", lambda: Game_End("EXIT"))
Playing_Game = True
Game_Paused = False
Restart_Game = False
Already_Played = False
while True:
while Restart_Game == False:
if Playing_Game == False:
Game_Finished = False
Grid_Colour = []
Power_Values = {'#009446':2, '#D4F0FF':1, '#5f6365':3}
Root = Tk()
if Already_Played == True:
elif Already_Played == False: