
时间:2018-04-07 15:42:54

标签: angular angular-material2


(char)(arr[i] + 2)


<div (swipeleft)="swipe(idx, $event.type)" (swiperight)="swipe(idx, $event.type)">
    <md-tab-group md-stretch-tabs [(selectedIndex)]="selectedIndex" (selectedIndexChange)="selectChange()">
        <md-tab label={{category}} *ngFor="let category of itemCategory">

我使用的材料版本是export class InfoComponent { selectedIndex: number = 1; selectChange(): void{ console.log("Selected INDEX: " + this.selectedIndex); } SWIPE_ACTION = { LEFT: 'swipeleft', RIGHT: 'swiperight' }; // Action triggered when user swipes swipe(selectedIndex: number, action = this.SWIPE_ACTION.RIGHT) { // Out of range if (this.selectedIndex < 0 || this.selectedIndex > 1 ) return; // Swipe left, next tab if (action === this.SWIPE_ACTION.LEFT) { const isLast = this.selectedIndex === 1; this.selectedIndex = isLast ? 0 : this.selectedIndex + 1; console.log("Swipe right - INDEX: " + this.selectedIndex); } // Swipe right, previous tab if (action === this.SWIPE_ACTION.RIGHT) { const isFirst = this.selectedIndex === 0; this.selectedIndex = isFirst ? 1 : this.selectedIndex - 1; console.log("Swipe left - INDEX: " + this.selectedIndex); } } } 。我在这里遗漏了什么,因为刷卡功能不起作用?

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