<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<title>Google Login JavaScript Example</title>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<script src="https://apis.google.com/js/platform.js?onload=initClient" async defer></script>
* The Sign-In client object.
var auth2;
* Initializes the Sign-In client.
var initClient = function() {
gapi.load('auth2', function(){
* Retrieve the singleton for the GoogleAuth library and set up the
* client.
auth2 = gapi.auth2.init({
client_id: '961018387640-uh2bbqior4gcmi2o8hdnuahjb3kombfo.apps.googleusercontent.com'
// auth2 = gapi.auth2.init();
// alert(auth2 );
// alert(auth2.isSignedIn.get());
if (gapi.auth2.getAuthInstance().isSignedIn.get())
var profile = auth2.currentUser.get().getBasicProfile();
document.getElementById("userdetail").innerHTML += '<hr> ID: ' + profile.getId();
document.getElementById("userdetail").innerHTML += '<hr>Full Name: ' + profile.getName();
document.getElementById("userdetail").innerHTML += '<hr>Given Name: ' + profile.getGivenName();
document.getElementById("userdetail").innerHTML += '<hr>Family Name: ' + profile.getFamilyName();
document.getElementById("userdetail").innerHTML += '<hr>Image URL: ' + profile.getImageUrl() + '<img src="'+profile.getImageUrl()+'">';
document.getElementById("userdetail").innerHTML += '<hr>Email: ' + profile.getEmail();
console.log('ID: ' + profile.getId());
console.log('Full Name: ' + profile.getName());
console.log('Given Name: ' + profile.getGivenName());
console.log('Family Name: ' + profile.getFamilyName());
console.log('Image URL: ' + profile.getImageUrl());
console.log('Email: ' + profile.getEmail());
document.getElementById("userdetail").innerHTML += '<hr><h1> NOT LOGGED IN: ' + '</h1>';
// Attach the click handler to the sign-in button
auth2.attachClickHandler('signin-button', {}, onSuccess, onFailure);
* Handle successful sign-ins.
var onSuccess = function(user) {
console.log('Signed in as ' + user.getBasicProfile().getName());
document.getElementById("userdetail").innerHTML = '<hr> <hr> <h2> Signed in as ' + user.getBasicProfile().getName() + '</h2> '; // Do not send to your backend! Use an ID token instead.
if (gapi.auth2.getAuthInstance().isSignedIn.get())
var profile = auth2.currentUser.get().getBasicProfile();
document.getElementById("userdetail").innerHTML += '<hr> ID: ' + profile.getId();
document.getElementById("userdetail").innerHTML += '<hr>Full Name: ' + profile.getName();
document.getElementById("userdetail").innerHTML += '<hr>Given Name: ' + profile.getGivenName();
document.getElementById("userdetail").innerHTML += '<hr>Family Name: ' + profile.getFamilyName();
document.getElementById("userdetail").innerHTML += '<hr>Image URL: ' + profile.getImageUrl() + '<img src="'+profile.getImageUrl()+'">';
document.getElementById("userdetail").innerHTML += '<hr>Email: ' + profile.getEmail();
console.log('ID: ' + profile.getId());
console.log('Full Name: ' + profile.getName());
console.log('Given Name: ' + profile.getGivenName());
console.log('Family Name: ' + profile.getFamilyName());
console.log('Image URL: ' + profile.getImageUrl());
console.log('Email: ' + profile.getEmail());
* Handle sign-in failures.
var onFailure = function(error) {
if (auth2.isSignedIn.get() == true) {
function onSignIn(googleUser)
var profile = googleUser.getBasicProfile();
console.log('ID: ' + profile.getId()); // Do not send to your backend! Use an ID token instead.
console.log('Name: ' + profile.getName());
console.log('Image URL: ' + profile.getImageUrl());
console.log('Email: ' + profile.getEmail()); // This is null if the 'email' scope is not present.
document.getElementById("userdetail").innerHTML = '<hr>ID: ' + profile.getId(); // Do not send to your backend! Use an ID token instead.
document.getElementById("userdetail").innerHTML += '<hr>Name: ' + profile.getName();
document.getElementById("userdetail").innerHTML +='<hr>Image URL: ' + profile.getImageUrl();
document.getElementById("userdetail").innerHTML +='<hr>Email: ' + profile.getEmail(); // This is null if the 'email' scope is not present.
<button class="signin-button" id="signin-button">signin-button</button>
<div id="userdetail"></div>