
时间:2018-04-06 15:23:06

标签: r date dplyr data.table


    df <- data.frame(ID1 = rep(1:1000, each= 5*365), year = rep(rep(2000:2004, each = 365), times = 1000), 
             day = rep(1:365, times = 1000*5), 
             x= runif(365*1000*5))


  • 月份列:月份列(当天所属的月份)

  • Biweek专栏:每周哪个双周属于。一年有24个双周。一个月中的所有日期&lt; = 15是第一个双周和&gt; 15是第二个双周。 对于例如

    • 1月15日是Biweek 1,
    • 1月16日至31日是双周刊2,
    • 2月1日至15日是双周3和
    • 2月16日至28日是双周4,依此类推。



  # create a vector of days for each month

  months <- list(1:31, 32:59, 60:90, 91:120, 121:151, 152:181, 182:212, 213:243, 244:273, 274:304, 305:334, 335:365)


  ptm <- proc.time()
  df <- df %>% mutate(month =  sapply(day, function(x) which(sapply(months, function(y) x %in% y))), # this assigns each day to a month
                           date = as.Date(paste0(year,'-',format(strptime(paste0('1981-',day), '%Y-%j'), '%m-%d'))), # this creates a vector of dates for a non-leap year
                           twowk = month*2 - (as.numeric(format(date, "%d")) <= 15)) %>% # this describes which biweek each day falls into
  proc.time() - ptm

  user  system elapsed 
  121.71    0.31  122.43 



3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

以下是使用Frank in a comment提到的lubridate提取器和替换函数的解决方案。关键点是yday<-mday()month(),它们分别设置日期的年份,获取日期的月份日期,并获取日期的月份。 8秒的运行时间对我来说似乎是可以接受的,虽然我确信一些优化可以减少这种情况,但可能会失去一般性。



#> Attaching package: 'lubridate'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:base':
#>     date
tbl <- tibble(
  ID1 = rep(1:1000, each= 5*365),
  year = rep(rep(2000:2004, each = 365), times = 1000),
  day = rep(1:365, times = 1000*5),
  x= runif(365*1000*5)

doys <- tibble(
  day = rep(1:365),
  date = seq.Date(ymd("2001-1-1"), ymd("2001-12-31"), by = 1),
  month = month(date),
  biweek = case_when(
    mday(date) <= 15 ~ (month * 2) - 1,
    mday(date) > 15  ~ month * 2
tbl_out2 <- left_join(tbl, select(doys, -date), by = "day")
#> : 0.36 sec elapsed
#> # A tibble: 1,825,000 x 6
#>      ID1  year   day     x month biweek
#>    <int> <int> <int> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>
#>  1     1  2000     1 0.331    1.     1.
#>  2     1  2000     2 0.284    1.     1.
#>  3     1  2000     3 0.627    1.     1.
#>  4     1  2000     4 0.762    1.     1.
#>  5     1  2000     5 0.460    1.     1.
#>  6     1  2000     6 0.500    1.     1.
#>  7     1  2000     7 0.340    1.     1.
#>  8     1  2000     8 0.952    1.     1.
#>  9     1  2000     9 0.663    1.     1.
#> 10     1  2000    10 0.385    1.     1.
#> # ... with 1,824,990 more rows
tbl_out2[55:65, ]
#> # A tibble: 11 x 6
#>      ID1  year   day     x month biweek
#>    <int> <int> <int> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>
#>  1     1  2000    55 0.127    2.     4.
#>  2     1  2000    56 0.779    2.     4.
#>  3     1  2000    57 0.625    2.     4.
#>  4     1  2000    58 0.245    2.     4.
#>  5     1  2000    59 0.640    2.     4.
#>  6     1  2000    60 0.423    3.     5.
#>  7     1  2000    61 0.439    3.     5.
#>  8     1  2000    62 0.105    3.     5.
#>  9     1  2000    63 0.218    3.     5.
#> 10     1  2000    64 0.668    3.     5.
#> 11     1  2000    65 0.589    3.     5.

reprex package(v0.2.0)创建于2018-04-06。

答案 1 :(得分:1)


    ptm <- proc.time()
    df <- df %>% mutate(
      date = as.Date(paste0(year, "-", day), format = "%Y-%j"), # this creates a vector of dates 
      month = as.numeric(format(date, "%m")), # extract month
      twowk = month*2 - (as.numeric(format(date, "%d")) <= 15)) %>% # this describes which biweek each day falls into
    proc.time() - ptm

#   user  system elapsed 
#  18.58    0.13   18.75 


#   user  system elapsed 
# 117.67    0.15  118.45 

答案 2 :(得分:0)


df2000 <- filter(df, year == "2000")
ptm <- proc.time()
df2000 <- df2000 %>% mutate(
  day = day - 1, # dates are 0 indexed
  date = as.Date(day, origin = "2000-01-01"),
  month = as.numeric(as.POSIXlt(date, format = "%Y-%m-%d")$mon + 1),
  bis = month * 2  - (as.numeric(format(date, "%d")) <= 15)
proc.time() - ptm

user  system elapsed 
0.8     0.0     0.8
