Matrix: Pattern: Result:
[45 88 93 25 23 [1 0 [45 0 93 0 23
13 55 4 90 9 0 0] 0 0 0 0 0
34 87 67 07 88 34 0 67 0 9
13 57 14 16 27 0 0 0 0 0
94 35 68 22 89] 94 0 68 0 89]
答案 0 :(得分:2)
ms = size(Matrix);
ps = size(Pattern);
P = repmat(Pattern, ceil(ms ./ ps)); % repeat the pattern
result = Matrix .* resize(P , ms); % resize and apply the pattern
%result = Matrix .* P(1:ms(1),1:ms(2)); % same as above
pkg load image
ms = size(Matrix)
ps = size(Pattern)
col = im2col(Matrix,ps,'distinct'); % convert image to columns
colpat = col .* Pattern(:); % apply the pattern
result = col2im(colpat, ps,ms,'distinct'); % convert column back to image