我正在进行Ajax搜索,用户可以使用PHP MYSQL AJAX搜索多个单词,如“ pa a s ”
| id | name | city | country | type | status |
| 1 | howard | eugene | usa | person | publish |
| 2 | john | paris | france | person | publish |
| 3 | marco | lisbon | portugal | person | publish |
| 4 | paula | madrid | spain | person | publish |
| 5 | josé | barcelona | spain | person | publish |
| 6 | hanna | berlin | germany | person | publish |
| 7 | paolo | torino | italy | person | publish |
| 8 | laurence | monaco | france | company | publish |
| 9 | giovanni | bergamo | italy | company | publish |
| 10 | manuel | porto | portugal | person | publish |
| 11 | maurizio | beijing | china | company | publish |
| 12 | mario | são paulo | brazil | person | notpublish |
WHERE type="person"
AND status="publish"
AND (name LIKE "%pa%" OR city LIKE "%pa%"
OR country LIKE "pa%"
OR name LIKE "%a%"
OR city LIKE "%a%"
OR country LIKE "%a%"
OR name LIKE "%s%"
OR city LIKE "%s%"
OR country LIKE "s%"
$words = explode(" ", 'pa a s'); //'pa'; 'a'; 's';
问题是,我想按发现次数排序。例如: 字符串“pa”位于“name”列中,ID为:4,7 字符串'pa'位于“city”列中,ID为:2 字符串“pa”位于“country”列中,ID为:4,5
字符串'a'位于'name'列中,ID为:1,3,4,6,7,10 字符串'a'位于“city”列中,ID为2,4,5 字符串'a'位于“country”列中,ID为:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,10
字符串's'位于'name'列中,ID为:5 字符串's'位于'city'列中,ID为2,3 字符串's'位于“country”列中,ID为:1,4,5
The ID 4 was matched: 6 Times
The ID 5 was matched: 5 Times
The ID 2 was matched: 4 Times
The ID 1 was matched: 3 Times
The ID 3 was matched: 3 Times
The ID 7 was matched: 3 Times
The ID 6 was matched: 2 Times
The ID 10 was matched: 2 Times