
时间:2018-04-05 10:50:11

标签: elixir phoenix-framework digital-ocean mail-server

我使用DigitalOcean创建了一个Droplet,我想将其用作我的邮件服务器。我使用PuTTY访问它。我已安装postfixmailutils个套餐来发送电子邮件。当我使用以下命令发送电子邮件时,它可以正常工作: -

echo "This is the body of the email" | mail -s "This is the subject line" your_email_address

但是,当我尝试使用Bamboo与BambooSMTP适配器的Elixir包Bamboo发送电子邮件时,我收到以下错误: -

** (Bamboo.SMTPAdapter.SMTPError) There was a problem sending the email through SMTP.

The error is :retries_exceeded

More detail below:

{:network_failure, '<ip-address>', {:error, :econnrefused}}

    (bamboo_smtp) lib/bamboo/adapters/smtp_adapter.ex:80: Bamboo.SMTPAdapter.handle_response/1
    (bamboo) lib/bamboo/mailer.ex:123: Bamboo.Mailer.deliver_now/3

这是我的config.exs文件: -

config :bamboo_email_smtp, BambooEmailSmtp.Mailer,
  adapter: Bamboo.SMTPAdapter,
  server: "<ip-address>",
  hostname: "<name of my droplet; it is also what I get when I type 'hostname' at the prompt>",
  port: 1025,
  username: "root", # or {:system, "SMTP_USERNAME"}
  password: "<the password I use to login to my droplet>", # or {:system, "SMTP_PASSWORD"}
  tls: :if_available, # can be `:always` or `:never`
  allowed_tls_versions: [:"tlsv1", :"tlsv1.1", :"tlsv1.2"], # or {":system", ALLOWED_TLS_VERSIONS"} w/ comma seprated values (e.g. "tlsv1.1,tlsv1.2")
  ssl: false, # can be `true`
  retries: 1,
  no_mx_lookups: false # can be `true`


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