
时间:2018-04-05 09:43:31

标签: react-native ocr tesseract

我正在使用react-native-tesseract-ocr来获取图片中的数字,但是当我添加白名单和黑名单时,相同图像的结果不一致。使用此图片的示例Image Used


这里是不一致的, 当我使用选项

const tessOptions = {
  whitelist: null, 
  blacklist: '1234567890\'!"#$%&/()={}[]+*-_:;<>'
RNTesseractOcr.recognize(imgPath, lang, tessOptions)


'OCR Result: ', 'Tms IS a small demunshanon pdime ,\n\n‘us‘ «m use In me Vmua‘ Mechamcs “Anna‘s Mme ten And more\n\num And mare ten And more taxi And mare um\n\nAnd mare text And more text And mare ten And more ‘exl, And mare\num And mare ten Bonng‘ zzzzz And mare text And mm text And\nmare um And mare ten, And more text And mare ten And more ‘exl,\nAnd mare text And more text\n\nAnd mare text And more text And mare ten And more ‘exl, And mare\num And mare ten And more taxi Even mom, Cunnnued an Page 2 ,'


const tessOptions = {
  whitelist: "0123456789", 
  blacklist: "!?@#$%&*()<>_-+=/:;'\"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"


'OCR Result: ', '1211215 2 2211211122112215112212121 21211212 7\n\n12222221 2222111 2212 111212221 2112211211122 2122211212 2212112 12122 22121 1112122\n\n2222 21111 2112112 12122 22121 111212222121 21111 211212 22122\n\n21121 2112112 221222 22121 1112112 2222 21111 2112112 12122 22121 1112222211 22111 211212\n2222 21111 2112112 12122 521121222222 21121 2112122 221222 22121 111212 2222 21111\n211212 2222 21121 2112112 221222 22121 1112112 2222 21111 2112112 12122 22121 1112222211\n21121 2112112 221222 22121 1112112 2222\n\n21121 2112112 221222 22121 1112112 2222 21111 2112112 12122 22121 1112222211 22111 211212\n2222 21111 2112112 12122 22121 111212222121 51211 11121122 0211211122211 221 112212 2 2'


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