Sub LiveUpdate_Button1_Click()
Dim x As Long
For x = 0 To 10
Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:5"))
Call Data_1
Call Data_2
Call Data_3
Next x
'Call SingleClick
End Sub
Data_1 - Data_3目前只有不同范围的相同代码。
Sub Data_3()
Dim x As Long
'For x = 0 To 10
Dim iLast As Long
Dim i As Long, j As Long
Dim targetlastrow As Long, sourcelstrow As Long
Dim Sourcelastcol As Long
Dim source As Worksheet
Dim target As Worksheet
Dim InputRng As Range
Dim OutRng As Range
Dim xRow As Integer
Dim count As Integer
Dim count1 As Integer
Dim test As String
Dim LookupWB As Workbook
Dim pth As String
Dim pth2 As String
Dim pth3 As String
Dim lotNo As String
Dim field As String
Range("AH16", "AK25").ClearContents
Range("AF123", "AI162").ClearContents
Range("AK123", "AM162").ClearContents
pth = Sheets("LiveUpdate").Cells(1, 3).Value 'Select folder path
pth2 = Sheets("LiveUpdate").Cells(1, 4).Value 'Select file path
pth3 = "=LEFT(D1, LEN(D1)-25)" 'Trim to obtain Item Type
Sheets("LiveUpdate").Cells(1, 5).Value = pth3
Sheets("LiveUpdate").Cells(16, 5).Value = "=RIGHT((LEFT(D1, LEN(D1)-4)), LEN(LEFT(D1, LEN(D1)-4))-18)"
'Set LookupWB = Workbooks.Open(Filename:=pth)
Set source = Workbooks(pth2).Sheets(1)
Set target = Workbooks("New Microsoft Excel Worksheet").Sheets("LiveUpdate")
field = target.Cells(9, 39) 'Select field
iLast = source.Range("A" & Rows.count).End(xlUp).Row
Set InputRng = source.Range(field & iLast - 60 & ":" & field & iLast) 'Which field data to take
Set InputRng = InputRng.Columns(1)
Set ConRng = source.Range("C2:C" & iLast) 'Condition
Set ConRng = ConRng.Columns(1)
Set DateRng = source.Range("D2:E2") 'Date
Set DateRng = DateRng.Columns(1)
Set DateRng1 = DateRng.Columns(2)
'To set number of row with pass value
For i = 1 To iLast
xValue = InputRng.Cells(i + 1)
xCon = ConRng.Cells(i + 1)
If xCon = "PASS" And Not IsEmpty(xValue) Then
count1 = count1 + 1
End If
Next i
'target.Cells(12, 11) = (count1 / iLast) * 100
'target.Cells(13, 11) = 100 - target.Cells(12, 11).Value
Set OutRng = target.Range("$AH$16") 'Field to view output
xDate = DateRng.Cells(1)
xTime = DateRng1.Cells(1)
Sheets("LiveUpdate").Cells(16, 31).Value = xDate
Sheets("LiveUpdate").Cells(16, 32).Value = xTime
xCol = 4 ' To set how many row per item
k = 0
xRow = 10
'ReDim xArr(1 To xRow, 1 To xRow + 1)
ReDim xArr(1 To xRow + 1, 1 To xCol)
For i = 0 To InputRng.Cells.count - 1
xValue = InputRng.Cells(i + 1)
xCon = ConRng.Cells(i + 1)
If xCon = "PASS" And k <= 39 And Not IsEmpty(xValue) Then
iCol = k Mod xCol
iRow = VBA.Int(k / xCol)
xArr(iRow + 1, iCol + 1) = xValue
count = count + 1
k = k - 1
End If
k = k + 1
OutRng.Resize(UBound(xArr, 1), UBound(xArr, 2)).Value = xArr
Range("AF123", "AF" & (123 + xRow - 1)).Value = target.Cells(28, 35) 'to copy all value from G302
Range("AG123", "AG" & (123 + xRow - 1)).Value = target.Cells(28, 36) 'to copy all value from H302
Range("AH123", "AH" & (123 + xRow - 1)).Value = target.Cells(28, 37) 'to copy all value from I302
Range("AK123", "AK" & (123 + xRow - 1)).Value = target.Cells(29, 35) 'to copy all value from G303
Range("AL123", "AL" & (123 + xRow - 1)).Value = target.Cells(29, 36) 'to copy all value from H303
For i = 0 To xRow - 1
target.Cells(123 + i, 35) = target.Cells(16 + i, 38) 'to copy all value from J16
target.Cells(123 + i, 39) = target.Cells(16 + i, 39) 'to copy all value from K16
Next i
ActiveWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=False
End Sub