我有gnuplot代码来遮蔽两条曲线之间的区域。即像mean + - stddev这样的错误区域。 mean和stddev是数据文件中的行。现在我有两个这样的数据文件,我希望它们在同一个图中。我只是附加了图cmds,但看起来第二条曲线没有得到阴影填充。我正在使用pngcairo终端。
0.550 -0.131323 0.280289
0.570 -0.145116 0.264563
0.600 -0.275901 0.298501
0.625 0.031135 0.277453
0.660 -0.302773 0.300036
0.700 0.039286 0.372996
0.780 -0.099013 0.294711
0.840 0.007641 0.294503
0.960 -0.033036 0.435880
0.500 0.013809 0.028914
0.550 -0.025318 0.038805
0.570 -0.081928 0.042251
0.600 -0.083926 0.060722
0.625 -0.043033 0.074957
0.660 0.027737 0.109750
0.700 -0.017666 0.098800
0.780 -0.252330 0.240454
0.840 0.069862 0.231550
0.960 -0.123103 0.504706
data1 = "data1.dat"
data2 = "data2.dat"
set terminal pngcairo size 1200,800
set output plot.png
set grid ytics lw 1 lt 0
set grid xtics lw 1 lt 0
plot data1 using 1:2 with linespoints lc "black" title 'Mean', \
data1 using 1:($2-$3) with linespoints lc "blue" title 'Mean-sigma', \
data1 using 1:($2+$3) with linespoints lc "blue" title 'Mean+sigma', \
data1 using 1:($2-$3):($2+$3) with filledcurves lc "skyblue" fs transparent solid 0.5 notitle, \
data2 using 1:2 with linespoints lc "black" title 'Mean', \
data2 using 1:($2-$3) with linespoints lc "red" title 'Mean-sigma', \
data2 using 1:($2+$3) with linespoints lc "red" title 'Mean+sigma', \
data2 using 1:($2-$3):($2+$3) with filledcurves lc "tomato" fs transparent solid 0.5 notitle
set output
set term X11