
时间:2018-04-04 14:13:25

标签: windows powershell batch-file cmd


Pinging x.x.x.x with 32 bytes of da
Reply from x.x.x.x: bytes=32 time=124ms TTL=128
Reply from x.x.x.x: bytes=32 time=148ms TTL=64
Reply from x.x.x.x: bytes=32 time=127ms TTL=64
Reply from x.x.x.x: bytes=32 time=140ms TTL=128


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

您可以使用const store = Rx.Observable.create(function(observer) { let state = { commands: [ {key: 'arrows', isEnabled: true, activeState: 0, numStates: 2 }, {key: 'focus', isEnabled: false, hotKey: 'f' }, {key: 'geometry', isEnabled: true, activeState: 1, numStates: 2 }, {key: 'goToEnd', isEnabled: true }] }; observer.next(state); state = { commands: [ {key: 'arrows', isEnabled: true, activeState: 1, numStates: 2 }, {key: 'focus', isEnabled: true, hotKey: 'f' }, {key: 'geometry', isEnabled: true, activeState: 1, numStates: 2 }, {key: 'goToEnd', isEnabled: true }] }; observer.next(state); state = { commands: [ {key: 'arrows', isEnabled: true, activeState: 1, numStates: 2 }, {key: 'focus', isEnabled: true, hotKey: 'f' }, {key: 'geometry', isEnabled: true, activeState: 1, numStates: 2 }, {key: 'goToEnd', isEnabled: true }] }; observer.next(state); }); const subscribe = store.map( state => { const commands = state.commands.filter( cmd => cmd.key === 'arrows' ); if( commands.length == 0 ) { return undefined; } const result = { isEnabled: commands[0].isEnabled, activeState: commands[0].activeState, }; return result; }) .distinctUntilChanged( ( a, b ) => a.isEnabled === b.isEnabled && a.activeState === b.activeState ) .subscribe(val => console.log(val)); cmdlet执行此操作。例如:


答案 1 :(得分:1)


@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

for /F "delims=" %%G in ('ping ^|findstr /B /C:"Reply from"') do (
    set "ping=%%G"
    set "TTL=!ping:*TTL=!"
    SET "TTL=!TTL:~1!"
    IF !TTL! GEQ 100 IF !TTL! LEQ 225 echo %%G